Bicycle Fans - official thread for people who love riding th



  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    Tas, Get a speaker system unless you're on a dedicated bike path.

    edit to say"tas"
  • floydg68
    floydg68 Posts: 28
    Cool thread! I just came home from a 40 mile ride and found this as I was posting calories. I was thinking how much I love riding. I burned 2600+ calories doing what I love on a beautiful spring day. what could be better?
    I've been riding both road and mountain the last 20 years or so with a few breaks here and there. For me, it's my "happy place".
    Take care everyone!
    PS: "On your left!"
  • NiallWallace
    NiallWallace Posts: 78 Member
    What are people's thoughts about riding with headphones/music? Bad idea (safety-wise)? I'm heading out for a little ride soon and very tempted to bring music with me.

    I've ridden with music once and really didn't like but the time schedule was tough over those 2 days and 230km.

    When you are on the road you know what's behind you from sound more than sight, same with side roads.
    Although you lose hearing once the speeds up.

    So no it's not recommended.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    What are people's thoughts about riding with headphones/music? Bad idea (safety-wise)? I'm heading out for a little ride soon and very tempted to bring music with me.

    Very bad idea IMHO!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    What are people's thoughts about riding with headphones/music? Bad idea (safety-wise)? I'm heading out for a little ride soon and very tempted to bring music with me.

    I ride with one headphone in my right ear. I can still hear cars and other riders passing me. I would have a very hard time riding without music.

    Editied to say that I hardly ever just ride on the roads. I am lucky enough to live in a city that has an abundance of paths. I would rethink my music if I was going all road.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I rode 33 miles yeaterday with some pretty great hills. The spinning classes have really paid off. I can also tell a huge difference with my new bike. My Trek 7.5fx was great but the roadie is so much better. I felt fantastic on those hills.
  • inertiadriftsc
    Love my Fuji CrossComp, cant wait for cyclocross next winter! I live in a VERY hilly town and my commute to school and back is 300 feet of elevation change in 2 miles. There is a 10 mile route down into the valley that is 1000 feet drop and gain in 10 miles... Have yet to actually get that one is intense.
  • cmsnowden
    cmsnowden Posts: 4
    Just bought a Lovely Kona Cinder Cone for riding the downs.... it is fantastic. Am debating riding up to Uni tomorrow, and now after reading all the posts, I feel I have to!!! the only problem is the very busy dual carriage way.... I will need to map a different route tomorrow.

  • Panda_Jack
    Panda_Jack Posts: 829 Member
    What are people's thoughts about riding with headphones/music? Bad idea (safety-wise)? I'm heading out for a little ride soon and very tempted to bring music with me.

    Safety-wise its a bad idea. I usually ride with one ear-bud in listening to my pace (endomondo app on my phone) no music though. I do think that if you're riding on a trail/path rather than the road it might be ok, but I'm the type to always like to be aware of what's going on around me as there are a lot of riders that don't pay attention and I end up having to pay twice as much attention to avoid accidents.
  • Lanfear
    Lanfear Posts: 524
    I usualy have my Ipod with me, but like many others I only ride with one headphone in, so I can hear what's going on. It gives me a beat to pedal to, especially going uphill LOL but having one ear "free" means you can still hear cars etc.

    Dreadful weather here this weekend so no riding for me. Plus which I played rounders on Thursday, lots of running, and cannot believe that my legs have seized up LOL!!!!
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    I rode 33 miles yeaterday with some pretty great hills. The spinning classes have really paid off. I can also tell a huge difference with my new bike. My Trek 7.5fx was great but the roadie is so much better. I felt fantastic on those hills.

    Having the right bike for the job makes a hell of a difference doesn't it? :wink:
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    The wind has become my enemy. Okay, I am getting more exercise, but my commute to work was into a west wind and the forecast for the ride home will be an east wind. Enough complaining. After taking the weekend off my legs were stronger than ever. I was able to get over my steepest hill two gears higher than ever before.
  • naturelover365
    I live in the city and have begun using my bike as my main mode of transportation again. Today I rode for about an hour just running errands. Cycling is so awesome! :)
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    my legs are dead, didn't cycle to work last week due to my shifts (i am not getting up earlier to cycle to work, it aint happening) and when i got home there was always something to do instead of go for a peddle, so jumped back on the bike yesterday with very fresh legs and gave it my best shot, experienced peddling into the wind for the first time and also my first cross wind, but also managed to match my best time to work, going home mind i was shattered and just dawdled.

    cut to today, i feel fine no aches and pains apart from a bit of saddle soreness but i expected that after a week off, so i get on the bike thinking i would be abit slower but not much. oh the pain!! my hips just felt like they were going to explode my thighs turned into blocks of lead, even my armsstarted to scream at me. in hindsight i think i should have jumped off the bike and drove to work but no i stuck at it. of course it started to rain just as i was about to head out so i threw my water proof trousers on to keep my legs dry so my legs were hot and bothered to start with but my word the ride to work was horrendous, i was riding into a headwind all the way as well and i managed to go almost a minute slower than my fist ride to work this year a couple of weeks back.

    to make it worse, in 4 hours i have to cycle home again :sad:
  • gtm124
    gtm124 Posts: 179
    I wish our urban roads were more biker friendly so I don't need the added distraction of an ipod. I use a mirror with a good taillight (Dinotte) and sometimes wear a neon green reflective mesh vest. I want to be very visable, but living in a pretty much red-neck area it is never too safe regardless. One of my buddies got clipped by a side view mirror from a pickup truck. We have a bike path but it is only 5 miles in length so city riding is necessary. Once out in the county your main threat are unchained dogs. :tongue:
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Got my bike all fixed up over the weekend (that was much more trouble than it should have been), but went on a 14 mile ride yesterday and road to work this morning (about 5 miles one way).
  • gtm124
    gtm124 Posts: 179
    Got my bike all fixed up over the weekend (that was much more trouble than it should have been), but went on a 14 mile ride yesterday and road to work this morning (about 5 miles one way).

    Good for you. Keep pedaling.
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Got my bike all fixed up over the weekend (that was much more trouble than it should have been), but went on a 14 mile ride yesterday and road to work this morning (about 5 miles one way).

    Good for you. Keep pedaling.

    I will as long as long as the chain stays on and the tires stay aired.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    Got my bike all fixed up over the weekend (that was much more trouble than it should have been), but went on a 14 mile ride yesterday and road to work this morning (about 5 miles one way).

    Good for you. Keep pedaling.

    I will as long as long as the chain stays on and the tires stay aired.

    Then you put the chain back on and patch the tires and start pedaling again.
  • JohnDalton
    JohnDalton Posts: 7
    I enjoy riding to work but broke my tailbone a couple of weeks ago so it's walking time again. Tried to ride and was ok for a short time but then......owww. With gas prices, bike and scooter sales are way up.