

  • I have so many, just a lot of pics to post. I have been collecting work for 19yrs now, mostly large (2-6hr range) although I have a few smaller random ones. NOT a fan of "insta-sleeves" I have an album of some of mine on FB if anyone wants to look. Joanie Danger (on FB)
  • I hardly ever meet the 1200cal a day goal. I'm usually not hungry at all. I admit i have a rather boring eating plan, most of the same foods everyday. I rarely use dressings, sauces or anything to add to my food. I eat a lot of mustards as "sauces" for veggies and sandwiches. Never use mayo, cheese is now also off my food…
  • Pretty much any John Waters movie. My fave right now is "A Dirty Shame"
  • I just got back from my 2nd ever 90min Bikram class. oooh boy! I thought I was gonna pass out or puke, or cry! But I just did what the instructor said, concentrate on the breath, focus on my self and don't give up....even if you have to stop and just breathe for a minute. I feel so good now that its over, I can't wait to…
  • Yes, Vegans can be healthy. They can also be unhealthy. I have been Vegetarian my whole life, and been both healthy and unhealthy. I am getting back to being Vegan, when I was, I was healthier than any other time in my life. Do what works for you, but do your RESEARCH first and don't base an (uninformed) opinion on what…
  • Beggars & Thieves "We are the Brokenhearted" why? Long time since they released an album, also did the singer's Hair for the CD insert pics and the first Video "We Come Undone"
  • This is cool. I am a fan of all types of metal, powermetal nerd, though. I also LOVE "classic rock" (late 60's, 70's, 80's) glam rock, hair metal, black metal, some industrial/goth. I am living in Las Vegas, which is starting to become somewhat of a "classic rock" resurgence scene with more than just a handful of…
  • I always go to Sephora, Ulta or a beauty supply store to see if there are any new products that I "need"