

  • i do insanity every other day and on the other days i run about two miles and lift for 40 minutes or so
  • ok so im thinking it would be a good idea to add creatine to my post workout since my pre workout already has it just not sure which kind and im also thinking that i should get a vitapack such as ON's multivitamin is this a good idea?
  • What about taking something during the workout is there benefits to that and if so what should I take?
  • OK so for the first week take 20 grams a day then take it down to 5 grams a day from then on.is there anything else that would be good to mix in there
  • Ok i might give it a try i was just trying to come up with a good postworkout shake using my protein and adding in some other things like creatine to benefit me. And i read creatine is one of those things.
  • well then losing weight right now would be my main goal so im assuming taking creatine wouldnt be beneficial or would it?
  • Well ive been keeping track of my diet on here which has helped a lot. And my exercise routine is to days in the gym i start with a twenty minute run on an elliptical then lift for about 40 minutes and the other 4 days i do an insanity workout at home. I take c4 before and then take my protein mixed with milk and usually a…
  • Ya i read that it doesnt really matter when you take it i still take mine pretty much right after. I was just wandering if i should be mixing anything with it for better results such as creatine?
  • Would it be beneficial to mix creatine with my protein for my post workout?
  • Well the max heart rate that I got to was 175 during this workout and it does use the age formula but how inaccurate could that be when it co es to the calories? And also before I bought this I was looking at what others have seen from coin. Insanity and some were around a thousand so it doesn't seem like its to far off…
  • I never really thought to count calories before i started the diet and exercise. and the 2600 is what mfp is telling me i need to eat for an exercise day which just seems really high and i would have to over double the calories that im taking in now. and my energy level is higher than it was when i was not doing either.…
  • so if i burn 900 calories i should eat 2600 for the day it just seems really high especially since i am not hungry. i mean i could see eating 1200 or so which is my goal but wouldn't eating over the 1700 mark mfp suggest be counter productive even if i exercise and burn 900 calories? And my goal is about another 20 pounds…
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