tonibrindisi Member


  • So I have heard that not eating enough calories hinders weight loss. It is eye opening for me logging in what I eat
  • You have given me inspiration this is day 2 for me. You look great!
  • 9 years ago! so I don't worry about booze anymore. And soda. So I drink only herbal teal, or black, and use stevia to sweeten. But I used to drink, exercise daily and diet and for the most part I was good. But as I got older I found I had to watch everything and giving up booze was something I did for my personal journey…
  • Might sound glib but must cut all the refined processed foods out of your diet and load up on veggies and lean protein. Make some low cal high protein shakes for a treat. Cut out fruits. If you eat veggies and protein you will lose, and 1500 calories is alot if you are eating lean and green. I feel better eating this way.