Anyone else gone off alcohol?



  • marye2021
    marye2021 Posts: 225 Member
    Anyone? I have decided to drop it while I'm dieting. First of all, I can never have just one glass of white wine...and in the past, even though I've calculated in a gin with diet tonic, I've just never lost weight.
    If I were to try and fit two drinks into my 1200 cals I'd hardly have room for any food as well.

    It's a little ****ty as I'm used to having wine with dinner, and I'll have to skip on going out with friends as well.

    Anyone in the same boat? Do you notice that the weight loss is more effective?

    I don't know your stats, but try bumping your calories up even just by 70 and it makes all the difference.

    With that being said I've cut out most alcohol from my diet, I was a. Drinking way too much and b. It was prohibiting my weight loss, but I often had more than one glass of wine or several G&T's

    I still go out with friends now I just get soda water with a twist in it so I still have a drink in hand but not one loaded with calories.

    I also have gotten better at having just one glass of wine (measured) with dinner, as you lose weight it will also hit you differently
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I have.

    It was the worst week of my life . . .
  • OliveRiver
    OliveRiver Posts: 81 Member
    Husband and I are both nightly drinkers, having formerly been in the habit of drinking about 5-8 beers every night, along with our respective mixed drinks. We've both cut back a decent amount over the last couple months. He only drinks 3 beers a day and then makes himself 1-2 Manhattan's, while I've quit beer entirely and only drink 1-2 glasses of Bacardi with Sprite, maybe a glass of wine if we happen to have a bottle.

    Cutting the beer has definitely helped the both of us and the general downgrade in our drinking has left us with significantly more energy/stamina.
  • kristinlitla
    kristinlitla Posts: 24 Member
    I'm taking a break from it for the next few weeks. I've just been on vacation where I had a beer almost every day, and now when I think of alcohol it makes me feel nauseous!
    I want to see how effective it is in regards to my weight loss, and also challenge myself a bit.
  • keithaj1
    keithaj1 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm a social drinker. Usually have two or three drinks when I go out with friends.
    Since I have started to count my calories, I'm definitely drinking a less and being more selective about it.
    I'm keeping things in moderation.
    Going out tonight? Work out a little harder and don't have that high calorie snack during the day.
  • gertrudegreen
    Alcohol is empty calories--would you have 5 pieces of cake a night and still be able to lose weight? Doubt it.

    I try to not drink at home anymore. When I do, I've gone to white wine spritzers. Same amount of liquid, half the calories. its enough to trick me into feeling like I've had a real drink.

    We also just purchased a soda stream. Just putting a tiny bit of cranberry juice in a big glass of carbonated water feels like a big girl drink and keeps the alcohol desire at bay.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I found the more I got into working out, the less I wanted to drink. I'd rather feel good in the morning and I find for me that alcohol really has an impact on the quality of sleep I get. So I just don't drink. If I want a drink then I'll have one, but I find that I don't even want one anymore!
  • Cakewalk25
    Cakewalk25 Posts: 71 Member
    I have! At 1200 calories a day, if I drank any of my calories (other than unsweetened almond milk), it'd be hard to get the rest of my nutrients in and feel full. I actually haven't minded much, I work in a profession where people tend to drink heavily on weekends and waking up on Saturday and Sunday NOT hungover has been really nice and a lot easier on my wallet. Plus, I can have just a good a time if I'm not intoxicated with my friends.

    When I can have more than 1200, I'm sure I'll have the occasional glass of wine with dinner though. Red wine has good anti oxidants in it and if the French's longer life span says anything, it might actually be beneficial to your health!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I quit drinking years ago.

    I used to be a fat drunk.

    Now, I'm a fat ex-drunk.

  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    I don't really like wine or drinks but I love beer and I used to drink a lot with my friends. Now I'll have one beer instead of six and I'll walk to the pub instead of inviting my friends at home. So far, so good.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    I used to have at least a couple of daily pints in the pub, stopped 1st Jan [New Year resolution], it was a struggle at first, but my appetite & general feeling better, plus my sleep patten has much improved, and lost weight over the same time

    So, for me it has worked, and I can now go into pub and have a coffee whilst having same chats I used to have holding a pint
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    I drink far less now than I did a year ago before I started losing weight. I used to have 3 beers a night, now it might be three a week. once is started really looking at the calories I decided it wasn't worth it, and I feel much better for it.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Just for "balance" - I started losing way before MFP - went from 17st 8 to 11st 10, drinking every Friday and sometimes Saturday too.

    It can be done, just allow for you drink calories. That said, 2000Cals/day is a pretty drastic cut for me.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    I quit drinking years ago.

    I used to be a fat drunk.

    Now, I'm a fat ex-drunk.


    ^ This sums it up nicely.

    All joking aside, the reality is that you can lose weight while drinking in moderation. That said, I'd never encourage someone to keep drinking if they didn't want to. And cutting back is almost always a good thing.
  • FiresongUK
    I'm having real problems with alcohol. Not like alcoholic type problems, just the pressure on me to drink often. It's never been a problem before I started counting calories but now I realise they've made up a big part of excess calories over the years. Go out to the pub? Friends buy you a drink. Friday night in with the boyfriend? Bottle of wine to celebrate the weekend. I don't enjoy myself as much if I don't have a drink anyway, because I'll be the sober one amongst loads of energetic drunk people and I just wanna go home. If it's with my boyfriend then he'll say I've got to have at least one otherwise he'd be drinking alone. Then there's my sister who every now and then will come round with a bottle of wine, and my dad who will bring me a few cans of cider in from the shop on a weekend when he comes up to visit. Alcohol is just everywhere for me and a lot of the time I feel obliged to drink and make merry or else be boring.
  • CiCi924
    I usually only drink a few drinks every other weekend, nothing major mostly low-calorie mixed drinks at home. But I used to drink every weekend probably slightly heavier than that, so I haven't eliminated it completely but I've definitely cut back.
  • willowcat2005
    In the past I was lucky and able to drink quite heavily and it didn't effect me at all! But when I started my diet it was easy to cut out drink in favour of foods and as my diet went on I found that I was less able to handle my alcohol so i cut back even further and as I was reaching my target weight I started to have the occasional drink as a treat. I don't worry about alcohol and calorie content anymore as I've turned into such a lightweight and now I can only handle one drink! So my attitude has completely changed and that's probably not a bad thing!
  • tonibrindisi
    tonibrindisi Posts: 5 Member
    9 years ago! so I don't worry about booze anymore. And soda. So I drink only herbal teal, or black, and use stevia to sweeten. But I used to drink, exercise daily and diet and for the most part I was good. But as I got older I found I had to watch everything and giving up booze was something I did for my personal journey in life, and cigarettes, so as we age we give up things that may not be that great for us. If you limit yourself to a few drinks per week it should work for you....anymore than that you should look at if you are drinking too much. Personally, I'd rather have a small plate of nachos!
  • QS82
    QS82 Posts: 65 Member
    I haven't drunk alcohol for a couple of months although it's not really because of dieting but rather that i've moved to a new area where I don't know many people yet and my partner is away for months so I don't want to be drinking empty calories on my own. :bigsmile:

    Having said that though I don't miss it at all and I have found weight loss relatively easy whereas I have found it harder with drink in the past because drink tends to make me feel like snacking, plus I don't miss feeling groggy in the morning! I've never been a big drinker but when I do start again I intend to keep it to weekends only and cut the midweek bottles of beer that used to feature at times. I also exercise 5 to 6 days a week now and I don't think I could manage it if I felt hungover. :noway:
  • rachelamber_x
    rachelamber_x Posts: 104 Member
    I'm not really a big drinker so it isn't an issue for me. I think the last time I drank was new years eve, but I don't really know.
    I prefer to eat my calories :)
    That doesn't mean no high calorie drinks, but if its a choice between hot chocolate and alcohol, I'm going for the hot chocolate every time!!