

  • If you're wanting to compete, a good start is by finding a show. Search to find bikini, figure or bodybuilding shows in your local area.
  • Yup as above. The fat will come off in the order of body part/s that it wants.
  • More meals a day thing is a myth. I've been eating 2 meals a day and fasting for 16 hrs every day for a year now. I'm a natural bodybuilder and I am the biggest and leanest I have ever been (98kg with abs). So many years I wasted my life eating 6-8 meals. That said. You can still get results eating 6-8 meals, obviously.…
  • The jitteryness sounds normal. The swollenness could be just pumped up muscles but shouldn't last more than a day. My advice see a doctor just to be sure.
  • To preserve muscle mass during dieting you should be lifting weights and eating enough protein. It doesn't sound like you have already been lifting, so you should get some good noobie results if you start up. The amount of weight you are lifting is the easiest way to gauge whats happening it terms of muscle mass. In…
  • You're welcome :P
  • The number you should be most concerned about is total calories. Try eating more protein since it will help with satiety the most, maintain lean body mass whilst dieting and has the highest thermogenic effect of all the macros. If you want to fill your stomach more each meal, throw in a bunch of fibrous veges and dont…