bourgeoisk Member


  • You can add me. I'm training for a half/10k/10 miler over the course of the next four to five months. I ran the Disney Princess Half Marathon in 2012, a couple races last year, and am just getting back into running again regularly. :)
  • I"m starting today and would love to join your group. How can i do that?
  • I just finished Week 7 Day 2 today. I did take one 30 second walk break inside the 25 minute run because of a cramping issue but jumped right back in as soon as it passed. Ran my furthest distance so far...2.53 miles. And my run pace was 13:02. I'm super pumped as that's a full minute and a half from what my run pace has…
  • I did Week 6 Day 3 today. I'm not going to lie. It wasn't easy. I did stop to walk three times for literally 5 seconds each which completely tells me it was a totally mental thing. My pace for the 20 minute run last week was 15:23. This week for the 25 minute is was 14:08! Wow! Good luck to everyone else pushing through…
  • Hi! I just finished Week 6 Day 1 and it felt so good! Only one more interval run and then it's all "long" runs until the end of the program. I've stayed with the program and have not repeated any days. I have a 5k in Disney World on October 1 and one here in Austin on October 9th. Really proud of myself for sticking this…
  • I know a lot of people are fans of repeating weeks, and I totally see why. I have decided to trust the program completely and even at 215 pounds have managed to progress through the program as it was laid out. I think a lot of the "repeat" is mental. There have been weeks I was scared to death to move on, but I trusted the…
  • I just finished week 3 as well. I'm following the program as intended with a day in between each session. I supplement with 30 day shred on the days I'm off from C25K. It may be you are overdoing it. From all the research I've done it's best to follow the program as intended and go slowly. That was the hardest thing for me…
  • Wow! What great stories by everyone! So nice to have support from runners at all levels of the program. I read somewhere today...."It may be the last thing in the world you want to do, but you will NEVER regret lacing up your running shoes and heading outside to run." How true! Once I get past the negative speak in my head…
  • Yea! Good to see everyone! I'm about to head out and do Week 3 Day 1. I'm a little nervous but ready to kill it. Or myself trying. haha. Wish me luck! :)
  • 1. My name is Kristin 2. I am running Week 3 Day 1 tomorrow evening! 3. My first race is the See Jane Run Austin 5K on October 9th! 4. I started running because I eventually have a goal of completing a sprint triathlon, and I knew this would be a great foundation for fitness!
  • I'm about to start Week 3 of C25K and would love to follow along, but I do have to ask one question. Why do we have to time ourselves to see how long we can run? That's adding a day to the program, and I do other crosstraining on those days. Can I take part in the challenge and not do the timed running? Thanks! Kristin
  • I just did Zumba Cardio Party and burned 776 cals according to my HRM. It's my second workout, and I LOVE it! Hope all is well!
  • Hi all. Another teacher here. I am an 8th grade Special Ed teacher. This is my 10th year to teach.I do inclusion, teach study skills, run a learning lab, and track around 25 kiddos. Whew. Makes me tired just reading it. Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Looks like everyone's doing well.
  • Hi all! I got my DVDs in birthday present to myself. :) I did Zumba Basics to learn the moves, and my heart rate monitor said I burned 767 cals! WOW! I loved it, and the 60 minutes flew by. My two daughters (10 and 7) even joined in dancing with me. Hope to keep up with you guys on this thread! I'm going…