T25 Group starting Mon Jan6th

Join us to talk and motivate each other on doing this workout.



  • lucy_878
    lucy_878 Posts: 91 Member
    Hello there! I am currently not feeling well. I am going to take some NyQuil and hope I am better in the morning. I plan to workout in the morning before work. When will you all be working out? AM or PM?
  • am....the longer the day goes by...the longer i talk myself out of working out:blushing: ... hope you feel better
  • Rehanah
    Rehanah Posts: 8 Member
    I'm looking to start too. I keep putting it off because I believe I will fail/quit it. 5 times a week seems a bit much but I keep telling myself as Shawn says "It's only 25 minutes". I pray we all can do this. I turn 50 (God willing) at the end of the year and I have a goal to look 1/2 as good as Michelle Obama. Have you seen her at 50??? Wow. I have to be at work at 4:30 am so I'm thinking after work will be my time.
  • Ruth4111gut
    Ruth4111gut Posts: 289 Member
    I am looking for motivated friends so feel free to add me :)
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    I will join, but I don't have it yet should be here Monday or Tuesday, I am really excited to start.
  • brittneyluv101
    brittneyluv101 Posts: 2 Member
    Starting today because where I am in the world its already Monday Jan 6 :) Super excited. I am also on week 4 of C25k so I am anxious to see how I will do with both programs simultaneously as well as body sculpting classes Tuesday and Thursday and Spin on Wednesday. I am not a super human, I just don't have a job and have nothing better to do :) Good luck everyone! Its only 25 min/day and only 5 days a week!
  • I'm also starting tomorrow
  • jacklyntatge
    jacklyntatge Posts: 5 Member
    I'm starting today after work! Super excited!! (and a little scared!)
  • weeeeeeee
    weeeeeeee Posts: 6 Member
    I'm Starting TODAY! and I can't wait to leave the office to get started....
  • bourgeoisk
    bourgeoisk Posts: 16 Member
    I"m starting today and would love to join your group. How can i do that?
  • started today can I join this group?
  • Can i start from 7th :(
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    :love: I started T25 yesterday, can I join the group? I am loving it so far
  • Needachange84
    Needachange84 Posts: 310 Member
    I planned on starting today but extremely sick. Maybe I'll double up later in the week to catch up
  • brittneyluv101
    brittneyluv101 Posts: 2 Member
    Okay guys! Two days down! Monday I did total body workout and today I did the ab workout. Very hard but the time goes by fast. My husband and I bought a calendar last night so we can track what we do on each day and also it is nice to be able to cross the day off once we are finished. I am really excited. I have never stuck to any program before but I feel like I can do this one!
  • I am starting today as well! A day late, but that's okay right?