

  • Hi ladies! Shout out from Vancouver. We are in serious Olympic countdown mode this week - exciement is truly building up around the city! I too am a "big girl" although society's view of this phrases leaves a bitter taste in my mouth as I admit to being in this category 5'8 and 204 as of this morning (down 12 yeah!!!).…
  • I'm a fan. Follow Chalene on Twitter now and really admire her not only for her amazing w|o but also her great fitnessa and health advice. Truly an inspiration! And so much energy! New for me is integrating weight resistance into my routine - using Turbo Scupt twice a week and love it! Will move on to Chalene Extreme next.
  • Congratulations! Like other comments, I also got married in 2009. Besides starting early, I would say set REALISTIC goals for yourself. For instance, don't order your dress six sizes smaller than your current size (you laugh, but I know one bride who did. She didn't succeed, and in fact, gained more weight from the…