dkmuzzy Member


  • I'm sorry I didn't see this before I initially replied. That'll teach me not to read through all the posts! Here's what's important - thanks to you, your Mom will be ALIVE long enough to get over being angry with you, and for you two to work things out.
  • Oz originally advocated this *kitten*! He needs to be sued for malpractice & lose his MD license for all the horrible "advice" he's given people!
  • According to the Federal Drug Administration, the use of HCG for anything other than fertility treatments is illegal. So to get your mom to stop, tell her that her USE is illegal, and you'll call the cops on her. To get the clinic to stop, call the local…
  • You started at about the same place as I did, weight-wise, but I've not had quite as much success. Good for you! You're doing wonderfully! :-)
  • "Ladies" does not offend me. For reasons I'm not quite able to articulate, "Females" does. We're not merely the female of the species; we're WOMEN, dammit! We're so much more than the physical body parts that make us female. We're fully evolved WOMEN. We're a freakin' FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH, SON! Whoa... sorry... dunno…
  • You got this! I quit cold turkey Jan 1st, after having smoked about a pack a day for THIRTY YEARS!!!! Still absolutely smoke free now, thankyouverymuch! :happy: What helped me was, every time I wanted a cigarette I asked myself, "If you smoke now, then what was all that misery for yesterday? Why have you put yourself…
  • 43, and just bought my first teddy bear about six months ago. After my dog died, my bed was so empty, and as others have said, hugging a pillow just didn't work. I'm not in a position to adopt a dog right now, and won't be for a while yet, so I got a teddy bear. It's made a world of difference. Sometimes I just hold its…
  • Wow, this seems so extreme to me; but then again, I've never even heard of intermittent fasting Well, I guess I'm wondering if your doctor gave you some guidelines as to how to make the most of your 400 calories? And, what foods to eat on your up days that might help "get you through" those drastic down days. You are aware…
  • HAPPY NON-SMOKIVERSARY! :flowerforyou:
  • I stopped smoking on Tue, 01 Jan 2013 21:01:00 GMT. It has been 11 weeks, 0 days, 18 hours, 16 minutes since I quit. I have saved $ 442.85 by choosing not to smoke 1321 cigarettes. More importantly, I saved 1 weeks, 3 days 2 hours 21 minutes of my life! :bigsmile:
  • DEHYDRATION! I didn't even think of that. Pardon me, while I run and get a glass of water... :-) Thanks so much for your input; I appreciate it!