HCG is killing my loved one.



  • darkestdayz
    darkestdayz Posts: 117 Member
    Here is a link to the FDA concerning HCG http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm281333.htm Might be a place to start. This stuff is illegal.
  • according to your profile, you live in Indiana


    That may be a start
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    Its so hard to make sense to someone who is stuck so deep into such a diet. I have a good friend that started out very overweight and lost 40 kgs in a very short time using drastic measures. To this day, she hardly eats anything, looks like a coat hanger, falls sick all the time. She knows that is all caused because of her dying immune system, but she does not care as long as she is "Skinny". She does not/cant do any decent workouts. Plus she is so young and laughs off all concerns saying.."When i get pregnant, i am going to die delivering the baby, but i dont care, i wont eat". :cry:
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Um, take her to a clinic specializing in eating disorders? I realize this isn't necessarily what people think of when they hear of a situation like that but this kind of thing would be right up their alley. Oh, and the health department is probably the bunch you will get the most progress by calling about the sketchy one.

    I don't necessarily think she has an eating disorder, I honestly think she is receiving terrible advice and treatment from someone she trusts.. She eats like a normal person when she is not on this supervised diet. The problem being, they have her convinced that they are experts and that she needs to follow their plain.. In the eyes of their patients, it is a medical facility that specializes in doctor supervised diets. When it comes down to who is right, they are going to go with the clinic as opposed to someone like me with no medical training. The clinic itself is misleading the people who go there. There is no doctor on site, and they are illegally coding HCG scripts for a weight loss diagnosis.

    I will try health department, already wrote the state attorney general.
    The professionals at an eating disorder clinic specialize in helping people who have body image problems related to weight that result in self-harm. As you've said she's been to the hospital because of it, you're able to wrap your fingers around her forearm, and has trouble picking up a cup of water because she has no energy... and continues to do this. While this probably isn't quite run of the mill for them, they probably either are or have the right people on speed dial.
  • JaneLane33
    JaneLane33 Posts: 80 Member
    I admit I had to google the HCG diet. :noway: Yikes.
    I wish i had some advice for you. As my favorite cartoon fish says "Just keep swimming".
  • I would be wearing my fingers, internet and printer out typing up and sending letters and going hoarse from being on the phone calling someone, anyone who can put me in touch with the right people to get that clinic shut down like yesterday.

    Take pictures of your mum now and some from a while ago before she started this, get her to go to a real doctor for a physical evaluation and blood tests. She sounds very, very ill. If you can't get her to go to the doctor, the pictures might do. Send them to the agencies you can find and beg them for help. Someone, somewhere has to either have the authority to do something about it or know who can. Go to the police and ask them to point you in the right direction. Don't call, go down to the station and ask them for help. Bring the pictures with you and tell them this is dire and needs immediate attention. Bring the timeframes, whatever you can find on the place, including clinic name, any sort of info you can think of, especially anything on paper, tell them that you believe they are giving scripts without a doctor present (which is so illegal I can't even imagine it) and that you believe they're preying on your mum for money. This is serious and needs to be dealt with now. She could need therapy for an Eating Disorder or Body Dysmorphic Disorder or something else similar, and a place that sees what kind of condition she's in and continues to give her scripts for this is not only practicing unethically, but it's seriously endangering her life and undoubtedly the lives of others as well. This goes beyond 'I'm on a diet,' and could be extremely dangerous, and, yes, could be killing her.

    Also bring info on the diet they have her on, anything you can find on it. You need to make it clear that they're encouraging her to DRASTICALLY under-eat and take weight loss drugs when she's in this condition and clearly underweight.

    If you can't make it down there today, go tomorrow. Don't wait.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I'm pretty sure prescribing HCG is illegal even with a doctor on site. Definitely call anyone you can think of.
  • crisbabe81
    crisbabe81 Posts: 170
    I can only shed my point of view. I did the HCG diet, I bought into the hype. I did so even when my husband begged and pleaded with me not to do it. But, I did the research I knew people doing it and they were losing. How could that be wrong?

    Then I woke up. Fortunately I only did one round. What woke me up was not wanting to stop losing weight for 3 weeks when you are suppose to "stabilize". Everyone told me you will gain, you can't skip that step. HA, I restarted MFP account and slowly increased my calories. I'm now eating 1400-1600 calories and losing.

    Maybe when she is in the 3rd phase where she is suppose to stabilize you can ask her to try your way for a few weeks and see which one she feels better on. Oh, and definitely report that weight loss clinic if there isn't a Dr or NP on site.

    Feel free to FR me if you have any questions or need advice. I now know HCG is so unhealthy. :smile:
  • debaloo
    debaloo Posts: 129 Member
    Sad, but true...you can get HCG in injectable form on the internet. If your mom wants it bad enough she will get it without the clinic. You have expressed your concerns and that's all you can do besides calling the state as one poster suggested.
  • debaloo
    debaloo Posts: 129 Member
    Here is a link to the FDA concerning HCG http://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm281333.htm Might be a place to start. This stuff is illegal.

    Over the counter products containing HCG are illegal. There are many clinics that offer this program under their supervision. The difference between the one the poster's mother is going to and a reputable on is this....They will tell you not to do more than one round. It is meant to reset your hypothamlus. It is meant for a certain type of patient. We have these clinics here in AZ and they keep the HCG in stock. Not even sure the individual patient has to have a prescription.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member

    It started in 1950's with Dr. Simeon, who if you've read his brief on it "Pounds and Inches" actually makes some scientific sense, and his observations seem valid to be frank (http://www.poundsandinchesaway.com/dr-simeons-manuscript-hcg-diet/). A good read even if you are very against this diet - it does have some non-disputed take-aways.

    Nobody has been able to duplicate his results. Enough said
  • hulahoopmama
    hulahoopmama Posts: 140 Member
    I am very fearful for your mother too! I am actually on a modified non-hormonal low calorie diet that acts the same way HCG does but the plan outlines HEAVY SUPPLEMENTATION. If your mom is not getting adequate nutrition I would buy her supplements and insist that she take them for her energy levels to come back. It sounds like she is experimental so maybe she will at least give it a try. The 500 calorie diet will deplete everything if you do not provide your body with nutrition. That being said you cannot survive off supplements either (obviously), so any food she is eating has to be whole, healthy, non-gmo, organic foods. I would say more but apparently I can get kicked off the site for even talking about my diet, which really sucks. free speech is dead :(
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    That you posted "HCG is killing my loved one" is enough reason to get your mother off this stuff, even if it requires an interventionist. Seriously.

    Do it now.
  • hjpate
    hjpate Posts: 11 Member
    I think most people would be willing to consider advice from the Mayo Clinic as useful and correct. Here's a link to their website:


    I hope your family members will be healthier soon.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member

    So I did file the complaint and the attorney general started an investigation. My mom and cousin apparently found out today and have been sending my hateful texts and emails. My mom stated that she is extremely embarrassed, will be writing a letter to the clinic asking for forgiveness for my actions and helping the clinic write their appeal to the attorney general.

    My mom is done with HCG now, so I guess that is a win but I have truly lost these two relationships. Sadly, they are going to defend that mess and joke because someone cared about them and wanted them to be healthy.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member

    So I did file the complaint and the attorney general started an investigation. My mom and cousin apparently found out today and have been sending my hateful texts and emails. My mom stated that she is extremely embarrassed, will be writing a letter to the clinic asking for forgiveness for my actions and helping the clinic write their appeal to the attorney general.

    My mom is done with HCG now, so I guess that is a win but I have truly lost these two relationships. Sadly, they are going to defend that mess and joke because someone cared about them and wanted them to be healthy.
    In situations like that, I try to look at the best outcome! Your mom is off of that crazy diet and hopefully on her way to a healthy lifestyle. By putting in a complaint, you may be helping more people in the long run! I am sorry to hear of the relationship struggles though...hopefully it will pass.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    call the state let them do their job I wouldn't even talk further about it with your loved ones although be aware they will just find another way to get ahold of the stupid hcg...in any event maybe you can kinda lead by example and just invite them to do healthy things with you...the only way I think you will get them to listen is if you have a few other family members that agree with you.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    I wasn't sure what HCG was, but looked it up and found this short article and also found that HCG is illegal to buy over the counter and not approved for weight loss. I guess I don't understand why people do this to themselves.

  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member

    So I did file the complaint and the attorney general started an investigation. My mom and cousin apparently found out today and have been sending my hateful texts and emails. My mom stated that she is extremely embarrassed, will be writing a letter to the clinic asking for forgiveness for my actions and helping the clinic write their appeal to the attorney general.

    My mom is done with HCG now, so I guess that is a win but I have truly lost these two relationships. Sadly, they are going to defend that mess and joke because someone cared about them and wanted them to be healthy.

    Good on you for being brave and doing what it took to fix this for your mom. In time, I hope you can get things worked out with her and your family.
  • dkmuzzy
    dkmuzzy Posts: 12 Member
    According to the Federal Drug Administration, the use of HCG for anything other than fertility treatments is illegal.


    So to get your mom to stop, tell her that her USE is illegal, and you'll call the cops on her. To get the clinic to stop, call the local District Attorney's office and show them the prescriptions your mom has gotten from them, or any bottles of the stuff she may have. Get the law involved. Get Adult Protective Services involved. It just might take some seriously "tough love" to save your mom's life.

    Good luck! ♥