

  • Weigh yourself first thing in the morning every day. As the Mokey41 said, fluctuations are completely normal. It's not about the short term, but the long term.
  • Do you not think the agriculture industry would lose a significant amount of money if half of the US switched from eating 6 meals a day to one meal a day? If you don't, I mean... Your second point is the first 'myth' to be debunked on here: You have the…
  • It's the same amount of calories, but it's not the same amount of food unless you're buying all the little snacks you'd otherwise buy and eating them during your one meal. I'd assume that most people who do IF are like me and buy their food in bulk. I'm spending far less on food now than I was when I was eating 5 meals a…
  • Are you really going to take food advice from the Department of Agriculture? I'm not usually one for conspiracies but I think there's a good chance of there being one there, seeing as their primary interest is making sure you and I buy as much food as possible. They're the ones pushing 6 meals a day. I suggest you get your…
  • 1200 calories divided by 6 meals would make me hungry too.
  • Most people who do IF (intermittent fasting) skip breakfast. I skip breakfast every day and get all my calories (1500) in over a 1 hour window. That said, I've never really been a breakfast person so it wasn't too difficult for me to start IF. Just try to monitor your calories.
  • #4:
  • I second the cauliflower recommendation. When grated, it's probably the best alternative to rice for a low carb diet. Google cauli-rice if you're interested.
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