Starvation mode?

I have developed a bad habit of not eating regularly, which I have learned has put my body in 'starvation mode'. My normal routine consists of a couple cups of coffee (with sugar free creamer) in the morning, and then a big dinner at night. I will occasionally eat something mid day, but not regularly. I am generally active, but I don't work out (yet). I have tried in the past to eat on a schedule (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) but I have ALWAYS gained weight, which of course makes me stop the routine! Are there any tips on how I can get into a routine of eating regularly, especially when I don't feel hungry, and still lose weight?


  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    What makes you think you're in starvation mode.
  • alschultz33
    alschultz33 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm not an expert, but here are my thoughts. You definitely seem like you're eating a low amount of calories everyday. The theory of starvation mode suggests that if you're not eating enough food, as soon as you DO eat enough, you're body starts to store that food rather than burn it. It would make sense that you'd start gaining weight after adding more calories b/c your body isn't used the increased amount. For health reasons alone, you should eat the normal number of calories you need just to MAINTAIN weight. You can get that number using this calculator ( However, If you're trying to lose weight, you might have to decrease your maintenance level of calories or increase your exercise. With that said, you should never go below 1200 calories per day.

    Hope I didn't butcher that explanation! Remember, I'm not an expert, but I've done enough research and had my own experiences to know eat too little just isn't good for you.

    Good luck!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    I have developed a bad habit of not eating regularly, which I have learned has put my body in 'starvation mode'. My normal routine consists of a couple cups of coffee (with sugar free creamer) in the morning, and then a big dinner at night. I will occasionally eat something mid day, but not regularly. I am generally active, but I don't work out (yet). I have tried in the past to eat on a schedule (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) but I have ALWAYS gained weight, which of course makes me stop the routine! Are there any tips on how I can get into a routine of eating regularly, especially when I don't feel hungry, and still lose weight?

    How big a dinner are we talking here?.....1500 calories? If so, then you're fine.

    Start logging those meals. Under-eating is not good.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Calorie intake over time is what matters, you can eat one meal a day or fifty.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Mind you, I'm not a doctor, but this is my understanding...if you've been eating below your BMR for a significant amount of time, your metabolism stalls...when you up the calories to eat to a healthier calorie intake, your body is so used to being "starved" that it just stores those calories. This can go on for some time (i've seen it in people that I know) and in fact, they can gain a significant amount of weight even though they're eating at a perfectly healthy calorie goal. Eventually, the metabolism resets and if you're somewhere between your BMR and TDEE, you will start to take that weight off.

    Eating below your BMR for a significant amount of time does a serious number on you metabolism as well as your internal organs and body in general. I've know a couple people who've gone through this, and it was very tough and they both ultimately needed help from professionals and group therapies because as soon as they would start gaining weight, they'd just stop eating again and it was one big vicious cycle.

    Good luck to you and you will be in my well wishes.
  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    I have developed a bad habit of not eating regularly, which I have learned has put my body in 'starvation mode'. My normal routine consists of a couple cups of coffee (with sugar free creamer) in the morning, and then a big dinner at night. I will occasionally eat something mid day, but not regularly. I am generally active, but I don't work out (yet). I have tried in the past to eat on a schedule (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) but I have ALWAYS gained weight, which of course makes me stop the routine! Are there any tips on how I can get into a routine of eating regularly, especially when I don't feel hungry, and still lose weight?
    Drop the sugar free stuff in your coffee.
    Replace with real half and half (1 tablespoon or two), no sugar. Don't need the blood sugar spike without any other food to combat it.
    Eat some real food around noon ensuring you have protein (that is, don't just eat a bagel with butter or something)
    Eat dinner.
    You just have to set aside time to eat. Make it important.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    I have developed a bad habit of not eating regularly, which I have learned has put my body in 'starvation mode'. My normal routine consists of a couple cups of coffee (with sugar free creamer) in the morning, and then a big dinner at night. I will occasionally eat something mid day, but not regularly. I am generally active, but I don't work out (yet). I have tried in the past to eat on a schedule (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) but I have ALWAYS gained weight, which of course makes me stop the routine! Are there any tips on how I can get into a routine of eating regularly, especially when I don't feel hungry, and still lose weight?

    You are not giving us enough information. What is your BMR and TDEE? How many calories are you consuming each day?
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Don't need the blood sugar spike without any other food to combat it.


    Also, there is sugar in half and half, not that it matters
  • helhedded
    helhedded Posts: 14 Member
    What makes you think you're in starvation mode.

    She goes into it every morning when all she has is that coffee.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    What makes you think you're in starvation mode.

    She goes into it every morning when all she has is that coffee.

    Can't tell if serious...
  • brendaschmitt1
    Calorie intake over time is what matters, you can eat one meal a day or fifty.

    This is true. I think whatever works for you. Everybody is different. As long as you are getting vitamins or your nutrients and some veggies too. It sounds like you are doing a morning fast which is not bad. have you ever hears of the eight hour fast or four hour fast. it really works. Lots of people are on it. it does not work for me because I am different I have to have some kind of breakfast and I have to eat dinner with my family but being on this website has made me realize that things work for different people.
  • brendaschmitt1
    O yeah and dont forget your protein. If you are not eating enough protein just by those protein shakes.
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    you're not in starvation mode.
  • helhedded
    helhedded Posts: 14 Member
    What makes you think you're in starvation mode.

    She goes into it every morning when all she has is that coffee.

    Can't tell if serious...

    Not really. Perhaps starvation is the wrong term being used here. "Metabolic Coma" is more like it. I will say that not eating breakfast is no good way to lose weight, but I assume that it can be done.
  • revzzz
    revzzz Posts: 8
    Most people who do IF (intermittent fasting) skip breakfast.

    I skip breakfast every day and get all my calories (1500) in over a 1 hour window. That said, I've never really been a breakfast person so it wasn't too difficult for me to start IF.

    Just try to monitor your calories.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You aren't in starvation mode and there's nothing wrong with only eating once a day if you get your calories in during that meal. Lots of people eat that way and are just fine. Most people can't manage to go that long without food but if you can and that works for you then there's no need to change. Starvation mode requires you to be at minimal calories per day for months. Skipping a meal doesn't put you in starvation mode.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    You aren't in starvation mode and there's nothing wrong with only eating once a day if you get your calories in during that meal. Lots of people eat that way and are just fine. Most people can't manage to go that long without food but if you can and that works for you then there's no need to change. Starvation mode requires you to be at minimal calories per day for months. Skipping a meal doesn't put you in starvation mode.


    really? there's nothing wrong with eating one 2000 calorie meal a day?

    I'm really curious why you think this.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    Starvation mode is a myth , 50 or 60 years ago people didn't eat the. Crap we eat today working class had to manage on few home made meals with food they grew. Go back to basics I say , it's easy cook from fresh have loads of veg and don't listen to the rubbish people come up with who think they know it all and no nothing.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    Starvation mode is a myth , 50 or 60 years ago people didn't eat the. Crap we eat today working class had to manage on few home made meals with food they grew. Go back to basics I say , it's easy cook from fresh have loads of veg and don't listen to the rubbish people come up with who think they know it all and no nothing.

    why are our opinions rubbish and yours gospel? i think all of us need to preface our nutrition advice with "in my opinion" because there are LOTS of viewpoints on the subject.

    for example, people back then were USED to eating less food. you take someone in today's society who has typically eaten 3, 4, 5,000 calories a day, and they suddenly switch to 800 a day, they WILL go into what's referred to as "starvation mode" because their bodies aren't used to so few calories.

    in my opinion.