

  • My first day last night and I failed. Miserably. So disappointed in myself this morning. :cry:
  • I would love to join if it's not too late! Last night was terrible:explode: . I am going to make my time 8:00pm!
  • I am also having a hard time losing weight. I can never seem to lose these last 10 pounds no matter what I try. Friends of mine who put significantly less effort into dropping weight seem to be more successful than I am. Totally unfair. I'm going to talk to my endocron next month about it and if I get any info, I will be…
  • Do you know what the medication is that he prescribed to you? I would love to ask my doctor about it, and it would help to have a specific name. Many thanks!
  • :noway: I know she was meaning to be helpful and I see where she's coming from but hearing something like that is very depressing. We type 1s know all about the risks and complications. Stating that she's seen so many type 1s with these problems because of their diabetes isn't exactly motivating. I'm in the same boat as…