Type one diabetics

Hi guys.....anyone out there here on MFP that has type one diabetes? Well i have had the disease for 16 years..i was diagnosed when i was 11. Im just seeking some support because this is a difficult disease and I have fallen off the wagon with my food choices and so that makes it REALLY DIFFICULT!!!


  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    there is a diabetes support group you can find if you search in the message boards :smile:
  • AdreaDawn
    AdreaDawn Posts: 26
    Please don't fall off that wagon! Not to scare you, but I am an RN at a hospital in Washington. I have seen so many type 1 diabetics not watch their carbs and not check their blood sugars and have so many nasty complications at way to young of ages! Mid 30's that have retinal degerneration and are blind, having ampuations, peripheral neuropathy and are totally disabled and not able to care for their kids or themselves even. It is tedious, but don't let it take over you! Remember YOU have diabetes, and diabetes DOESN'T have you!
  • kaliparker
    I have had type one diabetes for 5 years this September. It's so hard for me to keep under control, but I deffinately see a big difference when I eat better. Lower carbs, calories, and fat make me feel so much better. Your not the only one out there BELIEVE me. If I could give you any advice I would just say Don't ever tell yourself your alone, and don't be lazy with it like I was. Being hospitilized 7 times in 3 years IS NOT FUN! To say the least.
  • jiveleigh
    Not to scare you, but I am an RN at a hospital in Washington. I have seen so many type 1 diabetics not watch their carbs and not check their blood sugars and have so many nasty complications at way to young of ages! Mid 30's that have retinal degerneration and are blind, having ampuations, peripheral neuropathy and are totally disabled and not able to care for their kids or themselves even.

    I know she was meaning to be helpful and I see where she's coming from but hearing something like that is very depressing. We type 1s know all about the risks and complications. Stating that she's seen so many type 1s with these problems because of their diabetes isn't exactly motivating. I'm in the same boat as you, and I find it hard to live a balanced lifestyle, especially when trying to lose weight, with all the highs and lows and in-betweens.

    Just letting you know that another (far from perfect) T1 is with you. Maybe we can hop on this wagon together! P.S. I find the food log on this site to be quite helpful with carb guesstimating.