drlaurafsu Member


  • Goal is 10k per day. I use a Fitbit to track... 4/1 11,701 4/2 6,039 4/3 12,614 4/4 10,145 4/5 6,760 4/6 17,106 4/7 20,173 4/8 9,450 4/9 10,081 4/10 19,334 4/11 5,579 4/12 12,720 4/13 15,917 Avg for the month 12,201
  • 4/1 11,218 Managed to get a walk in at lunch
  • I'm starting this one too today. Trying to increase my movement overall this month in an effort to get ready for our summer vacation!
  • I'd like to join in. My step counts have been a little low the last 3 weeks or so. Too busy, too rainy, too many excuses. Time to "step it up" so to speak. :)
  • Miss D - you sounds like me. Had to have my car in the shop after it was on the front end of a 4 car fender bender. And there is a hole in the front of my house where they had to cut into the stucco to repair the framing underneath. Still waiting for the stucco to be fixed and the interior walls to be repaired...11 days…
  • Congrats for making it through!! I still have about 3-4 weeks left. A variety of issues (house, car, DH's travel schedule and DS's school schedule) have put me a little behind. But I am dedicated to finishing the workouts for this round. And I am still waiting for Beachbody to send me my new Combat 45 (mine is missing…
  • Tapout looks tough but fun. I have done Insanity and I think you would be fine. There are some pushup type moves in several of the workouts but not tons of them (or some of the really challenging versions). I think the key is to modify...do what you can (either limited reps or another kind of pushup that you can do) and…
  • I have both also and use them for different reasons. I use my Fitbit daily for steps, stairs and sleep tracking. I use my HRM for specific workouts like when I do Combat, Insanity or weight training as the Fitbit doesn't really measure those well. Biking would be another area the Fitbit doesn't monitor. I wear both at the…
  • I put about 2 heaping tsp into my smoothies. First I had to build up to that amount. Start with one tsp and then gradually add as you acquire the taste. Second you have to really blend it up to get them to where you don't taste the texture. I have a vitamix and it only pulverizes them on high speed.
  • Glad to see you back! Likely moving my rest day to today. Very sore yesterday after working out with my trainer on Sunday. Combat 30 went fine yesterday but really didn't help with the soreness. A little better today but still decided to take a break this morning. Its cardio week (week 5) for me so my aim is to get all the…
  • I did Combat 30 this morning and was glad to have a nice shorter workout. My calorie burns are down from the initial ones which is frustrating. Tomorrow going to try a longer one. I have lost 4lbs or so...gained a couple back on vacation, lost it, gained one from superbowl weekend and lost it...so still same 4. Haven't…
  • Regular or Live? I've done the regular one several times and love it. Its probably my favorite workout.
  • I'm a day behind too...but mostly because I fell back asleep yesterday after the alarm went off. So another week of swiching my rest day! :) Did Shock HIIT this morning and got outside for a walk at lunchtime. It is absolutely gorgeous here today so a couple of coworkers and I did a nice 30 minute walk on the walking track…
  • Still here...last week wasn't as on track as I had hoped to be. I missed a couple of workouts. I think the Combat 30 and the Shock Plyo. Need to look at my calendar at home. Trying to get it back together for Week 4. I did get up and do Combat 60. Its tough for me to do on the weekdays though, especially Monday when its…
  • Got up early and did the Combat 60 workout. While its hard to get up that early, I feel so much better when its done. And the rest of my day just goes so much better too. Now regardless of what may come my way I know I at least have my workout in the books. Food wise I was a little off track yesterday. DS has been asking…
  • Finally got Combat 60 in!! I do love this workout. I just wish it wasn't so hard to fit in before work.
  • I'm thinking Combat and Insanity next...but will likely do one more round of combat (the adv version since I already have all the discs). Going to be a later workout for me today. Had to take my munchkin to the Dr. this morning. He's home from school today since he was up coughing at 3am for about an hour...and…
  • I managed to drag myself out of bed for Power HIIT but it was a rough start. This was definitely a going through the motions kind of workout for me. I am a little under the weather but not really full blown sick so I got winded a little more than usual and had to take a couple of breaks. I just hit pause and walked until…
  • Hi all! Hope you are doing well. I am getting back to Combat after a week off for a trip to Disney. Had a blast, walked a ton (41 miles in 5 days). Was exhausted when I got back. Trying to get back into the routine of school and work so didn't workout first thing this morning. Going to try and do Combat 60 tonight or combo…
  • Morning! My double workout (Combat 30 and Power HIIT) is done. Glad to have it in the books. Was tough to get all the way through Power HIIT. Tomorrow I will do Combat 60 Sharon - hope you are feeling better quickly and get back to it. I know you've been skipping the second rest day but now may be a good time to take a…
  • Yeah...its odd. Insanity Plyo was my favorite. I am thinking about a hybrid down the road of Insanity and Combat. Someone posted a schedule on one of the Combat FB pages that looked interesting.
  • It was cold this morning and I didn't want to get up out of my nice warm bed and do this workout...but I did and am happy for it. I have to say I was somewhat motivated by the temptation of pizza for lunch. Co-workers and I are going out for lunch today so I needed the calorie burn!! LOL. It is tracked though!! I haven't…
  • I also did Combat 45 today. Was a nice early workout. Plan was to have blood draw after so no breakfast or snack for me. On the way in got in a multicar accident. Not my fault...minimal damage and all are ok...so not too bad considering. But it took forever to get the police work done so I was so late that no blood…
  • Good morning! Wow...great job. I am a day behind as yesterday ended up being a rest day for me. Didn't sleep well so I was not ready to get up at 5 am to workout. Then the day just got so busy, no time to catch up later. Figure I'll make up the workout today if I can...if not I'll do it tomorrow instead of the planned rest…
  • Its definitely getting better for me. I did some of the jump kicks but also am going at a slightly slower pace to make sure I have decent form on some of the kicks. The second round I usually am better able to keep up. I am probably going to have to repeat week 2 or 3 next week which will put me behind most of you. DS and…
  • Welcome Kris...I'm about the same weight so my advice is just do the modifications where you need to and don't try to keep up on reps, especially with the combos as they move quickly.
    in Hello Comment by drlaurafsu January 2013
  • When the alarm clock went off this morning I had a mental debate with myself on morning vs evening workout. We have dinner plans with friends so ultimately I drug myself out of bed and got after it. It was a decent workout. I did manage to go at my own pace but got it done. I preveiwed it last night and had a hard time…
  • I'll have to add you when I get home...fitbit's site doesn't like to cooperate with our work system. :)
  • Fitmamma - I am enjoying the rest day today. Most of my soreness has subsided but I was exhausted last night. I'll try and walk at lunch and have an evening workout schedule for something else...but just being able to sleep in a bit and not have to hit the ground running this morning was a luxury.
  • Believe me....I am focused on not getting hurt. When I was doing Insanity I started having some knee pain due to a muscle imbalance...then while in physical therapy for that my shoulder started bothering me. Ended up having it scoped which set me back over a year and I regained about 20 pounds of the 40 I had lost.