kdf606 Member


  • Yes. I have been so focused on my steps that i've totally fallen off doing any other kinds of exercise... I hit my 10k most of the time, but I know i need to do more than just get steps... i have to remind myself that its ok to miss my steps if i'm doing something else to take the place of it...
  • Its ok, but if tracking sleep is your MAIN priority, you may want to look at the jawbone up - I've been told the sleep tracking on that is way more sophisticated than the fitbit...
  • eat more and try to eat more variety... Protein, fats, etc - it seems like all you eat is salads & fruits... I know someone said that eating too little wont impede weight loss, but my personal experience indicates otherwise... Sadly, i'm a slow yo-yo (i tend to lose and then keep it off for a couple of years and then i get…
  • Try skim milk mixed with a bit of half & half. Somehow i find this makes it a bit creamier than using even whole milk... Over time, gradually cut back on the amount of half & half... You could also try sugar-free vanilla flavor syrup... I generally hate the idea of chemical sweeteners, but the tiny bit I put in my coffee…
  • could it just be the difference in the way they report? Fitbit is calculating your total calorie burn for a given period of time... That means it is taking into account the calories your body burns just from being alive and breathing + the extra calories you are burning for your activity. This is why you see a calorie burn…
  • I'm not sure how they are supposed to fit, but I've got mine on the last notches of the small band. I can comfortably fit two fingers inside of the band this way and it feels comfortable to me... I am curious about accuracy though... Mine seems to think i walked about 500 steps/.25 miles just in my 800 sq ft apartment last…
  • I'm going to throw Shake Shack out again just so you see it multiple times... You can go to 5 guys anywhere... Shake Shack is only in a few select cities... There are about 5 in manhattan, so wherever you are, you should be able to find one fairly close by...
  • 1, How long did you plan? got engaged late june 2009, married october 2010... First contract was signed September 2009 2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned? more than the national average, less than the NYC average... spent pretty close to the expected amount - i was…