When I do well, no weight loss. WHY???!!??!?!?!?!

I know I shouldn't weigh myself everyday, but I am tracking what foods or activities may or may not help. But I don't get it. When I think I am doing really well and I should definately see a change....my weight stays the same! It is really irritating! I know THAT EXACT REASON is why I shouldn't weigh myself daily..... but seriously. What gives? Ughh. :(


  • carolyn0613
    carolyn0613 Posts: 162 Member
    look at the bigger picture - what is your monthly progress? I do this and realise that I've lost over the month, even though it feels like i'm staying the same or going backwards...
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    If you opened your diary, we could see what you've been eating....Are you logging everything you put in your mouth, measuring your food, and actively exercising? I'd be glad to review your diary, to help you, if you make it available for us to see. :)
  • mercercrt
    mercercrt Posts: 3
    I have the same problem...it's soul destroying. Can only think it has something to do with water retention. I had such a good week last week and no weight loss. I'll just have to take a deep breath and carry on regardless.
  • lilbearzmom
    lilbearzmom Posts: 600 Member
    I think you have found your answer- weigh once a week or less often. I weigh in once a week. I have to hide the scale in a closet where it's not easily accessible, because if it's out, I have to jump on it, and I am almost always disappointed and it clouds my whole day. I don't want to be a slave to it.
    Once I am in maintenance, however, I will switch to weighing every day.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    What does the measuring tape say? I'm up 3lbs in 2 weeks but down a bra size, shoe size, 2 inches gone around waist and no acne.
  • LoriMcDole
    LoriMcDole Posts: 19
    I just opened it. Feel free! :)
  • LoriMcDole
    LoriMcDole Posts: 19
    I haven't taken measurements...but I guess I should. I can tell a definite change in my waist. :) I am a numbers gal.... my downfall.
  • Geojerm
    Geojerm Posts: 291 Member
    What does the measuring tape say? I'm up 3lbs in 2 weeks but down a bra size, shoe size, 2 inches gone around waist and no acne.

    I'm curious... a shoe size??
  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    I look at as a month; weighing every week or even every day gets me frustrated.

    For some people, they weigh every day and it works for them. i found a need a balance of not checking it often.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    I weigh in every week or so, and only after I haven't had a bunch of big and/or super salty meals in the last two days, because that messes with my results.
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    What does the measuring tape say? I'm up 3lbs in 2 weeks but down a bra size, shoe size, 2 inches gone around waist and no acne.

    I'm curious... a shoe size??

    Yes! My feet must have been swollen because my size 7's are now too big and I can see all my bones, tendons and my veins pop after I work out :-)
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    I haven't taken measurements...but I guess I should. I can tell a definite change in my waist. :) I am a numbers gal.... my downfall.

    The numbers on the tape measure are still numbers! :P Anyway, I've heard the phrase 'the body you have now is the body you earned last week' mentioned around here, so it takes a while for your body to reflect what you've done. I know how you feel, after exercising more this last week I immediately put on 2 lbs and haven't budged at all since, it's disheartening. But gotta stick with it, results will show in the end.
  • Alta2000
    Alta2000 Posts: 655 Member
    Because you eat 700 calories every day, and some days you up it up to 900 and your daily goal is 2000.
  • cmmdance
    cmmdance Posts: 45 Member
    Ditto, you are not eating enough.
  • l_clc
    l_clc Posts: 126 Member
    Is your diary accurate??? You're not eating very much at all...one day you only ate around 200cals...
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    I weigh myself each morning and I find that there is a slight delay for the weight loss (and gain). Example, if I've done really well on Monday I expect to see a decrease on Tuesday morning. Usually it stays the same but if I do well again on Tuesday I will show a weight loss on Wednesday. The same is true for gaining. I pig out on Monday and dread the weigh in on Tuesday. Most of the time it stays the same unless there was a major weight retention from a lot of salt. If I continue to overeat on Tuesday, I will gain 11/2 to 2 pounds by Wednesday. So, if you do good, be patient and keep it up. It will show in a day or two. Be careful of the other because if you overeat on Monday and don't see a weight gain you may think it is ok to eat that much every day but the weight will show up! Just my experience. :smile:
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    Are you plotting your weigh-ins on a graph?

    If you aren't then if you weigh yourself everyday you cannot see the bigger picture.

    Weight loss doesn't necessarily work on a day by day basis, so if you stick to your plan for a day you cant see the results the next time you step on the scale, and it is a little naive to think that it could possibly work that way.

    I track my weigh-ins on a graph and i've scrutinised it to try and figure out how this weight loss thing works, and I think the best i've managed is figuring out if i have a week where I didn't quite meet my goals, it takes a week before I see it reflected in my weigh-ins. so during the week im eating more, i'm still losing consistently and then once it's been about a week since it started, I will then start to plateau, even if im eating right.

    So dont drive yourself crazy looking at the scale daily and trying to figure out what you did the day before to make that happen because frankly, it didn't matter for THIS weigh-in.
  • olyabe
    olyabe Posts: 36
    Just ignore it. I weigh every day, and I have the same tendency - the weeks when I've been good, and particularly the weeks I've been doing regular strength workouts (as opposed to cardio only), the scale tends to move slowly. I just record the lowest weight and do not measure increases when weight fluctuates - as long as I am eating within my range or slightly above, it is impossible to gain. It took me 5 weeks to get from 157.4 to 156.0 today (and no, I'm not too close to my goal - still got at least 20 lb to lose, and better 40) - but I can tell by my pants that I lost some serious volume with that 1.5 lb.

    And by the way, eating too little is not going to slow your weight loss (contrary to what a lot of people seem to be advocating here). It will create a lot of health problems for sure, will make it much easier to gain all of it back once you start eating normally, and will mess with your metabolism, so it is not a good idea. But all else being equal, a person eating 800 calories a day will lose fat (and muscle) faster than a person eating 1500...
  • kdf606
    kdf606 Posts: 9 Member
    eat more and try to eat more variety... Protein, fats, etc - it seems like all you eat is salads & fruits...

    I know someone said that eating too little wont impede weight loss, but my personal experience indicates otherwise... Sadly, i'm a slow yo-yo (i tend to lose and then keep it off for a couple of years and then i get complacent and then it creeps back on and then the whole process starts again), but can tell you, with no exception, every time i've lost weight, i've found that i have a 'sweet spot' and that if i eat below that, I just simply dont lose as efficiently. For me, that number has ranged from 1200 - 1600 calories, depending on my lifestyle at the time. You need to find yours, but I feel pretty confident saying that its NOT 700 cals per day.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,639 Member
    What does the measuring tape say? I'm up 3lbs in 2 weeks but down a bra size, shoe size, 2 inches gone around waist and no acne.

    I'm curious... a shoe size??

    Yes, you can lose weight on your feet.