Here's the page with the old product data: Sounds like the old nutritional data may have been wrong all these years.
Yeah, unless I'm being stupid here which is extremely possible, this is a huge decline in the product. Definitely switching to Mayocoba or looking somewhere else for better quality lentils.
I want to remove my double chin and get some definition in my face - especially since I see it every day in the mirror. I also want to go without having the desire to pull my shirt down even when standing. Some of you will know what I'm talkingabout.
Ah, you're using the wrong URL. Go to the link you posted and click the "IMG" tag URL. Just tried it and it works. I'm still scratching my head over why the BBCode tags are case-sensitive.
The tag after the link has to have that forward slash / in it. It's called the "closing tag" and signifies the end of the BBCode statement. Looking great! Good job. It has to be lower case? That's odd. EDIT: You know what? Photobucket may not allow embedding pictures on external sites.
Put a tag after each link. Congratulations!
I love this!
I edited my post but I don't know if you saw it, but you use the tags. Congratulations x 2! :smile:
Use . Looking great! Good job on the progress.
I'm mostly counting calories using this site and I also have it configured to display some other nutritional information like Sodium, Sugar, Fat, and etc. I try to eat a salad everyday (no dressing!) I pretty much eat what I want and I'm still way below my needed calories according to the site so I haven't been craving…