Eating Plan Suggestions - Love your advice!

dgilner Posts: 120 Member
I would absolutely love to know what some of you are using for a eating plan - counting calories? a meal plan designed by ______? Percentage of fat, calorie, etc etc etc.

What do you like? Not like? Struggle with? And how successful have you been on it?

I am looking for something new and would love to hear from some of you!
Thank you so much for considering my request.


  • missy1970eb
    missy1970eb Posts: 1,209 Member
    for me just eating normal meals not snacking and NO chocolate, 14 glasses of water a day and lots of exercise:smile:
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I'm just getting my head around it all. At first I was concentrating on calories, but now I'm trying to look at more balanced meals and eating less sugar and more protein. Also making sure I get enough fluids in, which is usually 11-14 glasses a day. I still eat pizza and chocolate! :love:
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I'm just getting my head around it all. At first I was concentrating on calories, but now I'm trying to look at more balanced meals and eating less sugar and more protein. Also making sure I get enough fluids in, which is usually 11-14 glasses a day. I still eat pizza and chocolate! :love:

    Oh, and exercising 6 times a week for any amount of time was my first goal. Then it was 6 times a week for around an hour, and now I'm adding in bits of jogging a couple of times a week. :)
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    Mostly I eat normal food, just watch my calories. I do eat the same exact breakfast every morning. It takes the stress of calorie counting for at least a little while.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    While I'm not a strict vegetarian or a diabetic, I generally aim for a heart-healthy well balanced plant-based, low glycemic index diet-- meaning high fiber, high vegetable, low fat, low meat, low fast carbs of any kind (sugar, bread, processed grains); no caffeine, lots of water.
  • lilpull
    lilpull Posts: 6
    I have three kids so I have spent a lot of my adult life going up and down with weight. Losing weight after the first two worked by training for a 10K in combination with calorie counting. I always try and amp up the protein in an attempt to stay fuller and not starve my muscle. After this last one I lost weight by counting calories without exercise (when nursing) and lost 12; then got stuck and switched to a protein diet which helped me lose 5 more in three weeks; Christmas flu put a halt to that (protein sounded disgusting after having the flu!); and I am now starting calorie counting again to lose the last 5 pounds.

    I try to eat an absolute minimum of 60 g of protein a day, but it ends up usually being more like 100+ g by day's end. I also try to get plenty of fiber. Foods I eat daily are veggies, cottage cheese, and oat bran (all convenient-- I am not a huge fan of cooking). I love grilled chicken and my own little protein shakes as well (1% milk, whey protein powder, cocoa powder, sugar free flavored syrup, and ice blended together).

    Good luck!
  • damcool
    damcool Posts: 97 Member
    I stick pretty close to the Zone Diet. The ratios are 40:30:30 for carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Although I think I have my goals set at 35:35:30. I've done very well with it! I always feel full and have lost 55 lbs in 9 months. I always try to stay at or below my allotted carbohydrates and don't worry at all about going over on the protein as long as I have lots of fiber. Fats are a little tricky, because you want good fats, no trans fats or any fats from processed vegetable oils. But, even too much of good fats isn't good for you either. Just like too much of any one thing isn't good for you. Hope this helps! :smile:
  • irrelevant
    irrelevant Posts: 11 Member
    I'm mostly counting calories using this site and I also have it configured to display some other nutritional information like Sodium, Sugar, Fat, and etc. I try to eat a salad everyday (no dressing!) I pretty much eat what I want and I'm still way below my needed calories according to the site so I haven't been craving food or anything. I can even snack out in moderation. I'm honestly surprised at how much I can eat and still be below my daily calories - often I'm in the "starvation mode" range of calories. I also go to the gym 3 times a week but only for an hour each day. Overall, I've lost 26 lbs in 3 1/2 months. Considering I'm on oxygen and can't exert myself too much due to lung damage from swine flu last year, I think that's pretty good progress.

    A good thing to do that you probably already do is find healthier alternatives for things you really like. You can even get something only slightly healthier than what you like currently until you "step down" to something else. Try eating some sugar free Jello; there's only 5 calories in one of those little cups. Another thing to do is to cut out the sodas; all I used to drink was Coke all day - everyday. I changed this last year by sticking to water only and now I can't stand to drink Coke. Depending on how much you drink, soda can account for 1/2 or more of your daily calories. If you can't stand drinking bland plain water all the time, try some flavored water until you switch over to plain water or just mix it up so you don't get burned out on plain water.
  • greentea73
    I am finding that Lean Cuisine type meals are totally keeping me in check. Greek yogurt parfaits or homemade oatmeal are my breakfast choices that I can't wait to eat when I wake up. I pretty much learned to measure everything and log my meal plans for the day in the morning so that I know exactly what I'm eating. If I do make my own lunch or dinner, I log it before I make it, because it somehow makes me feel more in control and satisfied. Snacking is usually fruit or more greek yogurt. Lots of water, one soda a day and a piece of chocolate isn't the end of the world.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Low carb, high healthy fat.
  • kkwellness
    kkwellness Posts: 55 Member
    Low carb- empty carbs i call them and lots of PROTEIN... good fats :) Staying within your calories. I am so inbalanced with my ratio- I dont want to lose my muscle so I get in about 120 grams of protein a day.... alot
  • ameaston22
    Personally, I eat what I want and just make sure that I'm under my caloric allowance each day. If I want a candy bar, I eat a candy bar...BUT I know that may mean working out an extra amount later. I do tons of cardio - 6 days a week (at least 45 minutes) and 3 days a week of toning (usually 21 minute sessions). I think trying to cut out foods that you love is a recipe for disaster.