

  • o no.... o no. oooooh, NO. so this is why I've only lost 0.8lbs in the last 9 days? I've been sweating away on Wii tennis late at night to make up for over-eating during the day. lol. alrighty, time to get serious about this and NOT just try to back into it.
  • I think this is great and I'd bump it if I knew what that was, either way, it seems exceptionally positive so bump!? :)
  • I'm sorry you're frustrated. I just joined MFP 8 days ago and this is my first post because I'm very wary of advertising my struggle with weight (tho it's obvious as I'm 80lbs over!) but, your message really resonated. It's so great to read about and see pics of other peoples' success but it's also all the more…