ceasingfeline Member


  • I'll try and address those points! :) 1) it's 'Liberte Greek style yogurt 0% fat'. I choose the one that was already entered on mfp that matched the nutritional values on the tub. Generic chicken breast is the raw values for skinless chicken breast . The carrot is raw and was meant to be 35g. The day you are referring to…
  • How do I add pictures to a post? I've taken some today and want to update this thread with pictures to help motivate myself for some non scale victories.
  • Yes that's I do. At the weekend before breakfast!
  • Hi, it can't be my scales as my husband uses them to weigh himself and he's always around the same weight. We use them on a flat even surface. My body is just weird or I'm putting on weight from drinking more water or something?
  • Put on another pound 127.6lb now. That's a pound a week since the 31st January when I was 124.6lb. Oops, not sure what's going on really...
  • Ok, I'm going to start doing some weights this week and cut my calories to 1050 hopefully this will kick start me. I have already filled in my food diary for the week. The weird thing is my husband (who is around 5"8) eats around 2400-2600 cals a day and he weighs less than me, 122lb!
  • It is definitely not down to my husband, he is incredibly good at weighing everything exactly - to the point that it does get a little annoying (although I know he is doing it to help me as much as he can). It has to be something I'm doing - like the wrong kinds of exercise and my water intake. Whenever I drink more than a…
  • I was 124.6 two weeks ago, 125.6 one week ago and now I'm 126.6 after cutting my calories by 100 a day. I'm trying to drink lots of water!
  • I'm the only person I know that cuts my calories and puts on a pound! Is this normal!?
  • Liftng- I mainly do cardio at the gym, 45 minutes and then a 10 minute core workout. I also attend two Les Mills classes - Body Combat and Body Attack which is an hour each. I also play netball at least once a week, twice if there's a game. Debrag - I have no idea how many calories I'm burning when I'm doing a class or…
  • As I'm logging everything I eat correctly (the batteries on my food scales are constantly running out!) and exercising a lot, I can only assume 1200 cal a day is to much for me to lose weight now. I have changed to 1100 cal per day and changed the ratios to more protein and less carb (I've updated my food diary to reflect…
  • The food I eat is all measured to the gram! I am being 100% honest about that. If I am having 12 grams of cashews I measure it on the scales, if I am having 5 grams of Mayo I measure it on the scales, if I am having half an onion medium onion (which is equal to 55 grams in calories) in a recipe I measure 55 grams on the…
  • Why exactly do you mean 'bro-science'? Also how does calorie counting 101 apply to my situation? Thanks!
  • Muccica - that does sound pretty scary! I also find it quite hard to know the right kind of foods and ratios to eat as my husband is the one who cooks and prepares all the meals. Meritage - I'm 5"4 I think. In October 2013 I weighed 117 and I looked and felt great so I know I can get there, things just seem to have…
  • Good for you! I would say try not to weigh yourself too often as it can be demotivating. We can gain and lose weight really easily over the course of a day through water, sodium etc... Try and set a time and day that you can do it regularly so you get a better idea of your actual weight loss. Well done though!
  • Always! I feel really bloated around the time of my period and no matter how much I try, I cannot resist chocolate either. I just make sure that I keep exercising (even if it is a lighter intensity). You can do it!
  • I start day 1 of level 2 today - thanks you guys for making me feel excited by it (not!). I'm also doing JM's Burn Fat Boost Metabolism once a week, swimming once a week and netball twice a week. I have only lost one pound but I feel stronger and better within my self (I did 3 push ups day 1 and on day 10 I did 15) and I'm…
  • Well done you! I just lost a pound too, after putting on 4 so glad to see it moving in the right direction finally!
  • Perhaps I should have said when you feel like you are working hard then. Motivation is also subjective is it not though?
  • I'm exactly the same! Since really kick starting a healthier lifestyle 2 weeks ago (measuring everything to do with food, drinking more water and working out hard every day even if it's only for 20 minutes), I've actually put on 4 pounds. I measured myself last night and I haven't gained any inches so I'm going to assume…
  • Hi Jade! I'm Jenny, I'm a 24 year old physiotherapist and I am very stuck for motivation at the moment! I am currently logging every day, being good and (mostly!) sticking to the changes in my diet, as well as increasing my activity and exercise levels although I'm finding that I have actually put on weight. After browsing…
  • Me! Well I am getting married in October, exactly 7 months today! I'm finding it really hard to stay motivated when I am doing good things and making good changes but not seeing any results. I finally got my dress 3 weeks ago so now I want to slim down slowly to be able to fit into it perfectly.
  • I am definitely in need of motivation after actually putting on weight in the last two weeks. Sign me up!
  • Thanks for the reply. The thing is, it's hard to tell how many calories I'm burning up as I don't have a heart rate monitor and netball can be variable depending on what we work on or how much of the game I play. Does anyone know of anything online that can help with this?