Feeling a lot better

I am now 2 weeks into my weight loss journey. I started off at 346lbs my goal to get down to 206lbs. I am just over 5ft 11 and don't ever remember weighing less than 14st 10lbs so that's my initial goal and then I will see when I get there. I saw an old picture of me at this weight the other day and I just look so tall and slim and I cannot wait to get there! I have lost 8lbs in those 2 weeks so only another 132 to go :-). I've not done any exercise yet as I wanted to get a few stone off first . To think just over 2 weeks ago I was eating massive bars of chocolate daily and big tubs of ben and jerrys every night! and going to bed feeling awful and almost hungover the next day and full of aches and pains especially going up and down stairs. Today I don't feel any aches and pains. My skin is better from all the water I drink, my hair is shiny and no longer dull. I've not noticed those 8lbs yet and doubt I will feel it in my clothes until I've got about 30lbs off but my goal is to get 5 stone off my Christmas. Onwards and downwards!
I am a serial daily weigher and found it very hard hoping on every morning last week to see the scales not budge - that would usually send me to the chocolate and binging but I kept the faith with a lot of encouragement from you guys and another 2lbs came off so over half a stone now. Would love to loose 3lbs this week to take me under 24st this week. I have always been a good health eater just a terrible binger but I a still having my treats each day so I don 't feel deprived. Thanks for all the support guys xx


  • ceasingfeline
    ceasingfeline Posts: 26 Member
    Good for you!

    I would say try not to weigh yourself too often as it can be demotivating. We can gain and lose weight really easily over the course of a day through water, sodium etc... Try and set a time and day that you can do it regularly so you get a better idea of your actual weight loss.

    Well done though!