girls: does your period get in the way of your progress?

i hate hate hate getting my period cause i lose motivation and i'm emotional all the time. i don't feel like working out and I don't finish my workout. there are times when I get so mad at simple things like when I get tired easily or when the instructor in the video is too slow or when I make a mistake I rage and skip some parts of the workout or stop completely. plus I get intense unhealthy food cravings :( I just ate 2 bars of chocolate today!! I tried to control myself but I just can't. I felt so miserable trying to stop myself from eating the chocolate now I'm feeling worse because i ate 2 bars.


  • Aggeon
    Aggeon Posts: 9 Member
    For me, my flow is much more consistent on days I exercise. I go at it with a mentality of 'working out the blood'. Sounds nasty...but I typically have a long week of irregular bleeding if I don't do any exercise, where days I do cardio really flushes me out.
    If you get upset at making a mistake, you can try to choose those days to repeat an exercise video you're more familiar with.
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    If I am late it does, I am late atm and I have eaten 9 chocolate bars in 4 days! OMG!
    I also get really sluggish, but I am always feeling like that so I just go for walks if I can't bare to do more hardcore exercises.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    I find exercise helps but you could plan ahead for those days and maybe try a workout that is a little different from what you normally do. Even if it is just taking a nice walk on those days. A recovery week here or there isn't a bad thing. Also, don't feel bad about the chocolate. If you know you are going to crave it really bad, plan a way to work it into your calories for the day(s) and skip the guilt. Feeling guilty doesn't help anything.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    be nice to yourself during this time. 1 bar of chocolate won't affect your long term progress, so just relax and enjoy the chocolate, rather than feeling so guilty. Exercise usually helps as it releases endorphins which can for many women relieve cramps*. Sometimes focusing on the outcome helps give you the motivation when you don't feel like doing something. Focusing on how hard the workout is going to be tends to lower motivation, but focusing on feeling good afterwards can be a lot more motivating. If you need to eat more calories during this time, then eat more calories. You won't gain fat if you don't go over your maintenance/TDEE calories. (any scale weight gains during this time are from water weight so ignore them).

    *disclaimer: yes I know it doesn't work for everyone, but it works for a lot of women so it should be suggested when giving advice. If it doesn't work for you and your cramps etc are that extreme that you can't workout at all, it's probably better to just rest on those days and focus on getting back into it as soon as you can. A couple of days resting won't do any harm to long term progress if you're working out consistently the rest of the time. Rest days can actually do you good.
  • Llyrian
    Llyrian Posts: 100 Member
    I unfortunately cramp pretty bad for the first 2-3 days, which makes any intense workout a write-off. I also need to watch my clutz factor a few days leading up to it because risk of injury increases. Fun times!

    I might consider yoga for the medium to mild pain days though.
  • carinthea
    carinthea Posts: 97 Member
    I unfortunately seem to reach a much slower point when I get mine. I used to gain between 5 and 8 lb in a single 7 day period (haha double meaning), water retention and giving in to my cravings. This time my weight loss slowed right down and instead of mirroring last weeks' successful 5lb loss I ended up just losing 1.2lb (even though I also have the bouncing bomb of bugs which keeps on giving me the illusion of being better but in actual fact is still there and keeps coming right on back. I also, during this time, want nothing more than to stuff my face with lbs of chocolate and ice cream, I have managed (to a point) to resist but only because I haven't left the house in nearly a week and have nothing in the house.
    I think that this is the problem with that particular time of the month for me and though it's awful I am glad I am not alone.
  • princessnuriko
    princessnuriko Posts: 50 Member
    Don't feel discouraged. I usually gain about 5 pounds around "that time of the month." Just keep focused, stick to your diet plan and your fitness plan and you'll notice a weight loss the next week. That's what happens to me. Drink alot of water. It will help flush out the excess water in your system. Sounds crazy, but it will work. And just be patient, you'll be okay.
  • Doesnt stop me! I still go but not as strong! I do shorter times but light cardio like jogging on spot i still do strength training like squats and all
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    maybe Ill just take a looooooong walk so I could still burn calories in a none tiring way? I still force myself to do the insanity workouts though cause I wanna finish the program in less than 70 days. I also try to go 100 cals under my daily goal if i eat something unhealthy cause i think 200 calories of a chocolate bar is more fattening than 200 cals of fruits (am i right or am i wrong? lol)
  • 2BeFitMama
    2BeFitMama Posts: 4 Member
    Yes! I'm new to this and only been tracking and exercising for going on 3 weeks. Last week was dreaded week 2 AND that time...a double blow to my motivation. I'm committed for the long term though, like you ladies, so I'm taking the 2 bad days I had on the chin and moving on.
  • ceasingfeline
    ceasingfeline Posts: 26 Member
    Always! I feel really bloated around the time of my period and no matter how much I try, I cannot resist chocolate either. I just make sure that I keep exercising (even if it is a lighter intensity).

    You can do it!
  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    Yes, I get disabling migraines that affect my vision and balance and cause generalized weakness and drowsiness, so I end up spending a lot of time in bed. It sucks. I'm debating on not doing my Monday weigh-in this week because I haven't exercised very much and any water weight is probably going to discourage me. Blaahhh. Thank goodness it's only a few days.
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    Nope. Tampons and painkillers. I tend to lose weight just after my period so the misery is a motivator.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    well it just gives me a speed bump in my efforts so to speak. I been at this for some time now and I have come to expect a one to two lb gain, bloating, emotional issues, tiredness, headaches, and extra hungriness. I found that even though I don't feel like exercising that its the one thing that keeps me in control of my emotional feelings and how my body feels and most importantly if I exercise I know that it is okay to eat more and to eat yummy things. I do try my best to shy away from carbs, well I eat vegetables and my whole wheat bread but not pasta or rice, and I shy away from too much fiber. A little of it is great but too much just intensifies the bloating and gassiness around this time. sad but true. I don't like chocolate, so I don't have that problem but I do not buy trigger foods or keep them in my house at all especially around this time. My trigger foods are cheese and peanut butter. Green tea or herbal tea non caffeinated seems to help with pain and munchies. It isn't a bad idea to add in a baked potatoe around this time too. I definitely up my water and stay away from too caffeine. I think it helps out a lot if you try your best to stay away from the scale for a week or so around this time as well. It will only upset you. Make sure you get enough sleep too. If its not in the house, then you cant eat it.. so either include the chocolate bars into your days calories or get rid of it. It helps to keep track of your montly cycle on an app on your computer or phone so you know which days will be more challenging and can make a preplan for the day. That is what helps me. I feel your pain, this is day two of pms week for me. Feeling a bit tired and blah and bloated but it will get better once I head out for my walk and swim. Be strong. :drinker:
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Oh look, this thread again.

    It depends on the severity of your PMS symptoms, physical discomfort and heaviness of your period in general.

    Try and stay active as a good way to alleviate cramps and improve your mood, but if you're feeling really sh***y don't force yourself to try and hit a PR in the weight room or so on a twelve mile hike.

    If you suffer with terrible pain, mood imbalance or very heavy bleeding and you prefer to stay inactive during the worst of it, do so. A couple of days in a month will not ruin your work from the rest of the month.
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    thanks guys! sometimes i'm motivated, sometimes i'm not. lol it's just so hard! I hope someday someone could invent something that would get rid of our periods but that would probably mess up with our bodies lol
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    thanks guys! sometimes i'm motivated, sometimes i'm not. lol it's just so hard! I hope someday someone could invent something that would get rid of our periods but that would probably mess up with our bodies lol

    I been wishing this since age 11. The only thing I found that works is pregnancy and I most definitely do not want that. lol
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Periods are a bloody nightmare, They come around once a month & mess everything up. I get really hot & sweaty when I am on, and I crave carbs & crap for the whole period...

    But what I also try to do, is keep on top of my workouts.. Yes I am bloated and look pregnant, but I feel great after. I also drunk tons of water to flush everything out, and try and get some good fruits and veggies in.

    I do save some treats though... Just don't be harsh on yourself... Its once a month
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    yes. i'm generally pretty good w/my eating EXCEPT when it comes to this time of the month. I really feel out of control. I crave sugar & salt. And at the same time I feel so horrible I have no energy to do anything. Let's just say it's bad. I generally try to get through it and just stay at/under maintenance. As long as I'm there I feel like I've won. But getting a 500 cal/day deficit is extremely difficult if not impossible to stick to during that week-week and a half.
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    Years and years and YEARS ago I read somewhere that exercise helps with period cramps. I don't know if it's true, and maybe it's a placebo effect, but when I get up and move I seem to feel better. Knowing this - and wanting to see the huge number drop on the scale when my period ends - really helps me stick to my goals. The more I exercise, the better I feel, and the more I can eat guilt-free. :)

    ...and please don't hate me, but I'm one of those women who can't eat anything for three days after their period starts, because it makes me feel like a demon is trying to claw its way out of my uterus. So there's also that.

    But exercise!