

  • You can do it! This website has helped me realize what i put in my mouth! It also helps me to exercise so that i feel I can eat something that I really want,,and not feel guilty for it. Good luck to You...and God bless!:wink:
  • Well, I don't know how old you are..... and glad you don't smoke. lol.. But... I get winded just coming up my basement steps. Then other times,,it is not as bad. Mine could be medications, and I have migraines. But.. sometimes.. ...I get winded and other times I don't. I think it has to do with warming up. If you warm up…
  • Awww...I love the puppy! They are my heart. I have a ****-a poo...what a joy he has brought me. Welcome to myfitnesspal. Good luck..and hope you have lots of success! Denise
  • I think you just have to give your body catch up.. Look how long you have been trying to lose, and now you have dropped weight. So your body is saying what is going on. I'd say to boost your metablism..drink one more water than you do. Eat another protein on days you are working out. And one will start…