Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hello friends. Well I fell off the wagon hard today. I ate an entire medium pizza hut pepperoni pizza. I had ordered it and ate 2 slices for my dinner and then my husband called. As you know he works on a fishing boat in alaska and they are in the process of steaming the boat home to Seattle for the winter retro fit. Apparentley he started feeling sick yesterday and started getting stabbing pains in his belly. The boat perssur has been in contact with the company dr and they are giving him some meds for the pain but if it is something serious there is nothing that can be done till they get to port which wont be until friday or saturday. Needless to say I am extremley worried and turned to old habits of food for solace and ate the rest of the pizza. Not a great choice since now I am worried and sick at the same time. It is so hard when there is nothing I can do and just enough medical training to be able to think of all the worst case scenarios. Well I hope everyone else is feeling good and has a good night.

    that is so stressful. my husband had his appendix out last year so of course my mind immediately goes there and i am freaking out for you too. i have my fingers crossed and prayers out for you and your husband. so stressful. hang in there.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Hello friends. Well I fell off the wagon hard today. I ate an entire medium pizza hut pepperoni pizza. I had ordered it and ate 2 slices for my dinner and then my husband called. As you know he works on a fishing boat in alaska and they are in the process of steaming the boat home to Seattle for the winter retro fit. Apparentley he started feeling sick yesterday and started getting stabbing pains in his belly. The boat perssur has been in contact with the company dr and they are giving him some meds for the pain but if it is something serious there is nothing that can be done till they get to port which wont be until friday or saturday. Needless to say I am extremley worried and turned to old habits of food for solace and ate the rest of the pizza. Not a great choice since now I am worried and sick at the same time. It is so hard when there is nothing I can do and just enough medical training to be able to think of all the worst case scenarios. Well I hope everyone else is feeling good and has a good night.

    Praying for your husband to be healed right now!!!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    On clothes -- I have a few 'aspirational' clothes, but not that many. What I really have is aspirational cataloges -- people keep sending me them and I think 'oh, that looks nice, but not in my size'. So perhaps I'll be able to get some of that stuff soon. I also have friends who do clothes swaps every now and then, so with a bit of luck I'll be able to grab some castoffs. I've bought a cute top for Christmas but most of my stuff is old, shabby, and too large at the moment. I can just about shop in some regular stores (the ones where the clothes run larger). But I am still a bit embarrassed to go in and try on things that are the largest size in the store, because what do you do if they don't fit?

    @lmackbethi -- a quilt sounds like a fantastic thing to do with the fat clothes!
    @Susan -- you did a colour run! They look like such fun. Well done for doing a run/walk too.
    @Kelley -- workout trousers in particular are the first thing I buy in smaller sizes... because otherwise they fall down! Which is distracting. I'd like a nice, properly fitting, long-sleeved technical shirt for winter running. But the running brands don't go as big as me, and the cheap brand I'm using doesn't have any long-sleeved gear apart from sweats and hoodies.
    @Holly -- I think tracking is key, because it's very easy to eat extra if you're exercising.
    @Vicki -- we've found that tracking has helped with the grocery bills. Yes, pasta is still cheaper than veg, but appropriately sized portions are way cheaper than the ones we were eating before! I box up spare portions for working lunches too. We buy our fruit and veg from our local market and it's very cheap, though I also get an organic box of veg about once a fortnight. What really adds to the grocery bill is processed food and big lumps of meat. So we don't buy much of those.
    @Tammy -- oh gosh that must be so worrying about your husband. I think it's a good sign that he was well enough to phone you though. Don't worry about the pizza; log it and move on. One meal is nothing.
    @Nicholsvj -- welcome back!

    Monday check in -- I have lost another pound which feels really good.

    Have a great week everyone!

    -- Alison
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Monday everybody!

    This weekend was really tough as has been the last few weeks. I'm turning 31 next Sunday and it has hit me like a ton of bricks. I truly don't know why 30 didn't have this impact. I have lost the motivation to do almost anything productive, although I am forcing myself to go to my exercise classes tonight. However, I'm not going because I know it will be good for me, but rather because people will notice if I'm not there.

    I just am not anywhere where I'd thought I'd be at this stage in my life. I thought I'd being singing, married to a great guy and with at least one kid, but here I sit alone, in an OK job, but not the one of my dreams, still fat, with little social life, and only my dog to keep me company.

    I'm not blaming anyone else for my troubles, these things are my own doing and I know that only I have the power to change them. But, when I look at all these tasks together they are just soooo daunting and I find myself feeling extremely anxious, scared, and as a result escaping through TV or food and accomplishing nothing.

    Have any of you ever felt like this? What did you do to snap yourself out of it? Any advice would be appreciated.

    Sorry to be such a downer. I really do hope that all of you have a great Thanksgiving week.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Monday-

    Monday success- The scale finally went below the 250lb mark this morning. I am so happy!! I am hosting Thanksgiving Dinner for the first time ever. I am a little nervous about the Turkey I have never made one or helped make one before just don't want to under cook it.

    @Tina- You are correct once school starts you may not have much time. One thing I learned from my teachers is ALWAYS make some time for yourself and family it helps with the stress. Good luck with your classes.
    @Lauriek70-I was reading about you climbing and over hang situation. I got a little nervous for you. I think it is so cool that you rock climb do you climb in doors or out?
    @Karen- sorry to say this but that pizza sounds yummy. What a great NSV that your 3-day shirt is to big eventhough it would be awesome to still be able to wear it. Awesome run!
    @Christine- Hope your feeling better.
    @Imackbeth- Good Luck with the interview
    @Jtconst- Best wishes to you husband hope all turns out well.

    Okay for the clothing conversation that has taken place....I have no clothes smaller they are all to big. I am not usually one to shop a lot so I have a weeks worth of work and gym clothes and 2 pairs of jeans. Yep that is it.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,180 Member
    Sorry to hear that so many are ill or worrying about a loved one. My heart goes out to you. Also for those suffering with financial woes, I know what a struggle this is. My best wishes to you as well. :heart:

    I am quite lucky in terms of the clothing issue since I do not have a job so I don't have to have *nice* clothing on a daily basis. I am picking up the cheapest/clearance activewear at Walmart and Target as I go. My fav cheap brands are Danskin and Champion. I concentrate on getting some black activewear pants, a few stretchy tops and a couple of hoodies. Voila---I'm good to go. Sometimes ok tops at Walmart can be found in clearance for $3 to $5. And I apparently have miracle undies. They are some kind of nylon/spandex blend and I've not needed anything smaller. They are fine. That's almost frightening isn't it? :noway:

    Still busy with dad care related things. I've set a self-imposed deadline of 1 year to get the house straightened and cleaned enough to have an appraiser come out to give a market assessment. That may sound like a long time but it's just me folks. I've started putting together a task list. Now I'm praying my body cooperates with me! :blushing:

    Be safe, be well.


  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @nzenczak~I remember feeling the way you do when I was about 30, that was actually the hardest age for me. I remember 40 feeling like a cake walk comparatively. I went through a lot of changes in my life starting in my mid-20s that just sent me into a tailspin, before I knew it an entire lifetime had gone by. I’m in my mid-40s now and have never been married (I’m hopeful that Mr. Right is out there somewhere though) and never had kids, I don’t have any regrets – I truly believe it was the path I was meant to take. Alison touched on this a bit the other day, happiness comes from within. There isn’t a miracle that is going to happen once the extra weight is gone – we need to find self-confidence and happiness now, the other things will fall into place. I know a lot of skinny people that are truly miserable, so happiness and satisfaction doesn’t come in a size – we create it for ourselves. Honestly, I woke up one day and decided enough was enough – I was tired of feeling tired all of the time and just made the necessary changes. It hasn’t been a perfect journey, I still fall off the wagon from time to time (we all do). One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to not live in the past, but create your future. Living in the past with regrets doesn’t help anyone, think about the things that are important to you and make a commitment to yourself to achieve them. Sometimes when we dwell on what could have been, it makes achieving our goals more difficult. So set smaller goals for yourself, whether it be to lose 5# by Christmas or to get through an entire Zumba class without having to slow down or stop to catch your breath. I can relate this to running all too well, it was so frustrating for me when I returned to running a couple of months ago – I could barely run for 30 seconds without feeling like I was going to die. But through perseverance and the sheer desire to run a 5k in under an hour has kept me going, I’ve slowly increased my distance and my speed – I may not be able to run the whole thing on New Year’s Day but I will be able to run half of it and walk the other half. Dedication and determination are what drives all of us. You CAN do this, you just need to make a commitment to yourself. :smile:
    Monday success- The scale finally went below the 250lb mark this morning. I am so happy!! I am hosting Thanksgiving Dinner for the first time ever. I am a little nervous about the Turkey I have never made one or helped make one before just don't want to under cook it.

    Good luck with Thanksgiving - use a turkey bag for cooking your turkey, its foolproof! :happy:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    off to get my new knee today.....won`t be on here til the weekend. Stay strong!
  • lmackbethl
    Monday Check-In: So, my weight is up two pounds... not happy about this ticker change.... need to get back on track this week (hoping it's possible to lose a pound or two over Thanksgiving, hmm). Thanks for the well-wishes for the interview - I'm really hoping it goes well!

    @jtconst - hoping your husband feels better soon and that the boat gets back to shore quickly!!!
    @nicholsvj and mnwalkingqueen - congratulations on the losses!!! (and, yep, stick the turkey in a bag - perfect every time!)
    @alison = i get my exercise clothing (mostly swimsuits and ski clothes) from junonia - only place i've found that has high-quality technical stuff in extended sizes. pretty expensive, but you can get stuff on clearance sometimes (juno's closet). i'm sure they would have a good long-sleeve running shirt in your size.
    @karenleona - good luck with the surgery!!! you'll be in my thoughts...
    @nzenczak - i'm sorry to hear that you're struggling. i think we all hit moments when we realize we're not where we expected to be or that life isn't exactly what we had envisioned. i've definitely hit a few of those. i use them as an opportunity to regroup, reflect, and reevaluate... some times, i discover that my dreams/desires/life-goals have changed, and i work to develop a new plan. other times, i realize that, yes, i really still want this thing, and then I prioritize it and take active steps towards achieving it (back to school plan at 30-ish, get healthy plan at 40-ish). and yep, it sounds simplistic, but just choosing to enjoy the journey has made a big difference for me. at some point, i also decided not to live in misery, so if something really doesn't feel right (most recently, my job), i let it go... change is tough... there is uncertainty, there are bumps, but i know that it's better than remaining stagnant and unhappy and wishing for what might have been... and my dogs are great companions!!!
    @kah68 - great attitude and good job with the running!!!
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    @kah68 @imackbethl - Thank you very much for your support and for sharing your own experiences with me. It ia really great to have such supportive people to accompany me on my journey. Today has been going well so far and thanks to your kind words I'm feeling a little better and ready for my training session and spin class tonight. You both are inspirations to someone like me. :)
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good afternoon friends. My head ache is starting to let up some, I think I will survive this after all.:smile: I got a 30 min. slower walk in this morning and plan to do my late afternoon one a little longer and a little faster. Belle was so excited to get back to it! Since I have been sick for almost 2 weeks my apartment is a mess and I need to get up energy to start picking it up. I am so happy the weather has been nice and is supposed to be nice all week. Looking forward to seeing 2 of my sisters and their families as well as my oldest son and 3 of my grandsons. Plan on focusing on the visiting rather than all the food and walk around the small town after dinner rather than sitting and watching TV.:happy: Had a God-incidence this morning, after having read a devotional the other day about self-control being a fruit of the Holy Spirit, I found a devotional for my Kindle for $0.99 entitled, "Fruit of the Spirit-Self-Control." Going to start reading it this afternoon after I get the dishwasher loaded. Little by little I will catch up.

    @lmack- I'm up 2 lbs too, but am so greatful that was all the damage I did to myself as when I am sick I eat lots of carbs, ie cookies, sandwiches, etc. Praying your interviews are successful and you get the job of your dreams!
    @Karen, praying you have a speedy recovery from your surgery and are up and running in no time!
    @nzenczak, actually birthdays in my younger years were harder then they are now, just greatful to be alive. I am not where I thought I'd be at this stage of my life, but I am content and concentrate on all my blessings. Alison and Kah are dead-on when they say happiness comes from within, not about what you have or don't have.
    @lin, congrats on the weight loss and for starting a task list for getting the house ready, I think it took almost that long to get my house ready to sell.
    @mnwalkingqueen, congratulations on getting under 250, I was thrilled when I got to that point, now looking forward to getting under 240. Your turkey will be fine, cooking it in a bag never fails.
    To all my other friends out there congrats on svs and nsvs, praying for those who are not feeling well, those feeling discouraged/depressed. Love to you all.

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Happy Monday all. Not a very succesful weekend. I went HOG WILD (literally) on Saturday. Still struggling with it. I wish I knew what it was about TOM that made me want to shovel food in my mouth. I swear that no matter how much I eat I still feel starving.

    ANyway, all this talk about clothes made me decide to put together some pics of the clothes I am buying for my holiday. I don't LIKE buying clothes but this vacation is the first time seeing my family for 6 years and I'm 111 lbs lighter. I wanted to look GOOD. :P

    All the pants came from (use code ww77910 for 20% off of everything in your cart). The shoes were all from Payless (B1G1 free), the Shirts (except for one from womanwithin) were from

    Something casual:

    Comfortable but pretty for travel to and from:

    Something fun for shopping with Mom:

    To wear to church Christmas Eve with the Family:

    Something festive to wear Christmas Day for dinner/presents:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Love the clothes MowMow, you are going to look fantastic. I know what you mean about eating and still feeling starved, that's how I get when Im sick. You will get back on track, look how far you've come!

  • nieceyrenee
    You can do it! This website has helped me realize what i put in my mouth! It also helps me to exercise so that i feel I can eat something that I really want,,and not feel guilty for it. Good luck to You...and God bless!:wink:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi guys. First off I just wanted to say ty to everyone here. You dont know what all your kind words and prayers meant to me last night. Good news he is feeling a little better today so hopefully it is just some kind of intestinal virus or something and will pass. There is just nothing like having a loved one sick to scare the bejeezus out of one. More good news for me Monday is my weigh in day and in spite of pizza I lost almost 2 pounds so that caused a little happy dance this morning. I love the pics of the clothes mowmow they are so pretty. I hope everyone is having a great day and less rain then us today. LOL you got to love yucky mucky Washington.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Love the new clothes, Mowmow. So glad that you have them for your trip. Looking good will really help your confidence.
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member

    Having a rough time--more foot problems, etc, but not giving up. Hadn't eaten all day due to Dr. appts. and at 4 p.m. hit Arby's...hard. Turkey reuben and mint shake. Went from starving to sick really fast. Just water and a salad for dinner, I think.
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hi guys. First off I just wanted to say ty to everyone here. You dont know what all your kind words and prayers meant to me last night. Good news he is feeling a little better today so hopefully it is just some kind of intestinal virus or something and will pass. There is just nothing like having a loved one sick to scare the bejeezus out of one. More good news for me Monday is my weigh in day and in spite of pizza I lost almost 2 pounds so that caused a little happy dance this morning. I love the pics of the clothes mowmow they are so pretty. I hope everyone is having a great day and less rain then us today. LOL you got to love yucky mucky Washington.

    Glad he's feeling a bit better, Jt. Just remember, the CG would get called to fly him off the ship should he need faster attention... I'm sure his crewmates are watching out for him :flowerforyou:

    And a big yahoo! on losing even with the pizza binge -- someone told me one time that occasionally you have to startle your system to get it off a plateau (either eating way less, or splurging)... maybe that's what you did?

    @ Mowmow... I love the blouses you picked out! We seem to have very similar tastes...

    Ok, so Monday check in - carb challenge going pretty well (surprised), but fighting a bit of a plateau with the depression (eek)... so today at the gym, I got on the treadmill and decided to push a little... my usual fast walk for most of it, but.... I RAN! Just a few 'sprints' with a fast-walk break in between, but RUNNING none the less. And I didn't give myself an asthma attack! I'm somewhere between surprised, elated, and *exhausted*.

    Might just kick the black cloud this week at this rate....
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hi guys. First off I just wanted to say ty to everyone here. You dont know what all your kind words and prayers meant to me last night. Good news he is feeling a little better today so hopefully it is just some kind of intestinal virus or something and will pass. There is just nothing like having a loved one sick to scare the bejeezus out of one.

    oh, whew. good news.
    ANyway, all this talk about clothes made me decide to put together some pics of the clothes I am buying for my holiday. I don't LIKE buying clothes but this vacation is the first time seeing my family for 6 years and I'm 111 lbs lighter. I wanted to look GOOD. :P

    totally justified. i would feel the same. i love the shirts. especially the travel shirt.

    Having a rough time--more foot problems, etc, but not giving up. Hadn't eaten all day due to Dr. appts. and at 4 p.m. hit Arby's...hard. Turkey reuben and mint shake. Went from starving to sick really fast. Just water and a salad for dinner, I think.

    nice to see you. the mint shake looks good. i was at arby's the other day and i really wanted it but i didn't buy one. now i want one again :laugh:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @jt--glad the hubby is feeling better! Great 2 lb loss!!

    @kris--love the clothes!

    @holly congrats on getting under 250! :drinker:

    @christine--glad you are on the mend

    @marsha & nichols--glad to see you both are still around!!

    @karenleona--sending good thoughts your way for your surgery! :flowerforyou:

    Monday Check-in:
    Caved into donuts at work today. :grumble: Not sure why, just couldn't pass them up, but I will do my core work tonight so I will still be under calories.

    I hate that as soon as I catch up on most of my grading, I end up collecting more stuff. :ohwell:

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/49 AP Tone tests
    2. 7/11 AP analysis activities
    3. x/22 vocab quizzes
    4. x/59 Scarlet Letter tests
    5. x/22 persuasive ads
    6. x/49 AP essays