AliaDeVos Member


  • Congrats on losing 60 lbs! That's fantastic.
  • Hi Ladybird, that was me yesterday. 3027 calories! I was tired and grumpy and about due for TOM:/ I'm 5-10 lbs away from my goal weight, but I know if I deviate too much, I'll eventually be back to where I started 5 months ago. But, I'll make up for the gorgefest the rest of this week. Eating well and exercising. We all…
  • I like the tofu idea. I had just found a smoothie recipe with tofu. Sounds so good. Serves 2 Ingredients 1cup vanilla soymilk 1 cup firm light tofu (about 6 oz) 3/4 cup fresh blueberries (or 1/2 cup frozen, unsweetened) 2 scoops soy-protein powder (1 scoop is about 3 tbsp) 1teaspoonalmond extract 207 calories per serving,…
  • Well said. I completely agree. Good for your Fiance in voicing his true feelings. You do want honesty in a relationship. With that said, my husband has said I've gained a few when I've asked him, but he's NEVER said he's not attracted to me. Even when I ask if he's still attracted to me, he looks at me like I'm daft,…
  • Sounds good. Count me in! Need the motivation:) Please feel free to add me.
  • Wow, Christina, you look amazing! Congrats on getting healthier. I started in January and am working out 3-5 times a week. I'm eating healthier, and average 1200 calories a week. Some days are better than others, but I try to make it balance at the end of the week. I don't know how much I've lost in total, since I wasn't…