joanfudala Member


  • Count me in - this is an interesting approach to a challenge! 8/1 - 70 minutes 8/2 - 70 minutes 8/3 -105 minutes
  • For me, only 1 pound! At 149, I had 29% body fat, 106 pounds lean weight, and I wore size 8. Now I weigh 148, have 20% body fat, and have 118 pounds lean weight. I attend a boot camp 5 days a week (sometimes 6). I also swim (vigorously) at least once a week.
  • Count me in! BTW, what is our highest number of steps in a day? Mine was 17, 856 on a walking tour of Scotland.
  • Do not worry about the weight on the scale! Here is proof: before I started boot camp, I weighed 149.6 pounds and had 29% body fat and 106.3 pounds of lean weight. Now I weigh 148.6 pounds and have 20.3% body fat and 118.5 pounds lean weight. I have also lost 20.75 inches. This is with calipers, so I trust the accuracy.
  • I completed 100 reps with 5 pound weights.
  • I am going to do it now!
  • I am 51 years old. As an adult, I have yo-yo'd between 122 and 180 several times. In my last quest to lose weight, my goal was 140. I achieved that, for about a month. At that time, I was going to the gym for 2 hours a day, 5-6 days a week. I was also watching my calories like a hawk. I always felt like I was depriving…
  • Gained about 15 pounds throughout the holidays and my pants were a bit snug - I even bought a couple pairs in the next size bigger. Now my regular size fits again and can even fit into a size smaller!
  • I rarely eat back calories burned during exercise - the weight and inches are slowly coming off. If you are hungry, eat something, preferably something with high protein and low carbs.
  • I forgot to mention that I lost 36 pounds in 6 weeks. I am currently at my goal weight with about 21% body fat.
  • Take your overall goal and break it down into smaller targets that will be more achievable, especially in the short run. One benefit is that you will gain confidence as you accomplish a goal. Second advantage is that you will be motivated to continue. Stay focused, and don't give up!
  • I am also 51, and still going through the menopausal process. I am fairly close to my goal weight but my waist is decidedly thicker than it used to be in my younger years. I also go to the gym 5 days a week - I do a bootcamp program that works all muscle groups as well as cardio and ab work. At this point, I want to…
  • This is in miles, not steps. Sorry.
  • 1- 6.99 2- 1.6 3- 2.27 4- 5.91 5- 1.13 6- 2.49 7- 5.26 8- 2.14 9- 3.31 10- 2.07 11- 4.66 12- 6.25 13- 2.9 14- 3.07 15- 3.09 16- 6.99 Just short of 50!
  • Join the 50, Fit, and Fabuous group!
  • Thanks, followed your advice and it worked. Now I am reading the "Fitbit New User" forum.
  • Quote" "is if you have the fitbit website and MFP linked" How do you do this? I just bought a fitbit and want the two sites to link
  • I just mopped the kitchen floor and am now taking a break, getting caught up on my food and exercise journal on MFP!
  • I have always gone to Academy and purchased Nike running shoes. But someone at my bootcamp recommended I go to Racquet and Jog, which is a local store that looks at your feet and how you walk and asks what type of activities you will be doing. Then they recommend several styles/brands that fit your specific needs. I now…
  • Since this group is called "A Challenge A Day", I was expecting something like this: Do 10 pushups on your toes or walk 1 mile today. Is there another place on MFP that has an actual daily challenge?
  • Homemade soup with a tomato sauce base with green beans, spinach, and sausage. Toasted bread with a cheese wedge. Yummy and hot for a cold, rainy day.
  • I have to take a pill right before bed that says to take with food. I bought a bag of clementines and enjoy one every night. Not too filling and lots less calories than other options.
  • Completed day 2 of JM's "Ripped in 30" . Will start back at the gym tomorrow. I have also applied for two jobs. What a way to start the year!
  • I learned that when I use the excuse of wanting snacks for the kids, I am really saying I want stuff that I like easily accessible. I made the mistake of making white chocolate cranberry cookies and have already eaten 4. That kind of defeats all the progress I have made by starting to exercise and logging my food. Is there…
  • Current info: 51 yrs old, 5'6", 148 lbs and about 26% BF. Would like to be 140-145 and about 22% BF. Not too far to go, just need to get back on track after the holidays.
  • I did the JM "Ripped in 30" last night and went in to track my exercise and was surprised to find no matches on the cardio choices. Any ideas on how many calories burned?
  • I also had an ex that made negative, derogatory remarks about my weight. When I was heavy, he would comment that I was lucky to have someone like him because nobody else would want me. The funny thing is, the remarks got worse as I started loosing weight! Looking back, I realize his remarks were due to some inferiority…
  • The bad news is that, once again, I gained weight over the holidays. The good news is that it was not as much as I expected the gain to be, especially considering a week of eating out 3 meals a day and no exercise due to being sick. I start my boot camp program Monday and have started tracking my food as of today. All the…
  • WOW! You look fabulous. I would have guessed 165-175. Let all of us get rid of our evil scales!
  • I use the Polar FT60 and like the way it works. It has preset programs you can select: lose weight. increase fitness, and maximize performance. Then it gives you time goals for each of three training zones, also preset according to your age. I like it that I can adjust the minimum-maximum rates for each zone. At any time…