

  • I guess I'm a little puzzled about why so many people have so much hostility towards this book. This may not work for everyone, but it will be helpful for others. Can't we just be supportive of each other? And just to clarify the "go to bed hungry" rule: He's not saying you should deprive yourself and be starving with your…
  • Yes, he's really talking about grains of any sort. For example, last night I made his "Signature Stir Fry" recipe with chicken. At lunchtime, you can have this served over some quinoa. At dinner, no quinoa -- just protein and veggies.
  • I read it last week and started following the menus in earnest this week. I have lost 5 lbs. in 4 days and I'M NOT HUNGRY! That is the key thing for me -- not feeling deprived. So far, I'm loving it, though it does take some time to think through each day and get the food ready ahead of time so I can grab everything and go…
  • I ran 4 miles in the sweltering heat last night! Southeast Texas is brutal this time of year!
  • Wow!! Great job! Pictures are a good way to measure progress. I did a medically supervised weight program to lose the weight, but I use MFP as a way to help me maintain. In our program, they took your photo after every 50 lbs. of weight loss so that you could see the differences in yourself. Keep it up!!
  • We love Pop Chips! Our favorite are the sour cream & onion flavor. Our Kroger only sells BBQ and plain, but we have found the sour cream & onion at Whole Foods. On the whole, they're not that different from baked potato chips in terms of calories per serving. But I think they are more flavorful and satisfying (baked chips…
    in Pop Chips! Comment by shnewell July 2010
  • Nope, just put it on an ungreased cookie sheet. Because the tortilla is so thin, I wasn't sure if it would stand up to the weight of the toppings, but this seemed just right. It was crisp on the edge and when I cut it into 4ths to eat, each piece held up just fine. I was worried that I would pick up a slice and everything…
  • My favorite is 1 cup Kashi Go Lean cereal mixed with 1/2 cup fresh blueberries and 1 small container (6 oz?) greek yogurt. It has just the right amount of tanginess, sweetness and crunch. Very high in protein, so keeps you full, but only around 250 calories!
  • Congrats! That adrenaline boost at a race really helps!
  • My favorite breakfast for the last few months has been 1 c. Kashi Go Lean cereal mixed with 1/2 c. fresh blueberries and 6 oz. greek yogurt. I generally find greek yogurt to be too tart, but mixed with the sweetness of the berries it is great and the crunchy ceral (which I also don't like on its own!) adds just the right…
  • How exciting! One way to approach it is to run/walk in time intervals. I ran a marathon this way when I knew I wasn't sufficiently trained to complete the whole distance by just running. I ran for 5 minutes, then walked for 1 minute until about mile 20, then ran the rest of the way. If you have a digital watch with a timer…
  • I used Pillsbury Buttermilk and they are 50 calories per biscuit. I try to eat around 350-370 calories at dinner, and so depending on what else I've had to eat that day (particularly how many carbs), I might have just one taco cup and then spoon some extra taco meat on to my plate. Every time I've made this recipe, I…
  • For fast and easy, you can't beat turkey burgers (I eat them w/o the bun) with salad, baby carrots and/or fruit. I use Jennie-O Extra Lean ground turkey and season the patties with a little Season All and black pepper, cook them 4 minutes on each side and dinner is served! Another thing the kids like is a recipe I found…