kasargent Member


  • I was wondering the same thing this morning. Now, I am only finishing my first week of this, and the scale hasn't moved a whole lot, but I was able to SQUEEZE into a pair of jeans today that I tried to put on a couple weeks ago that would not button. ?? I guess everyone's different. :-) But I have worked out 6/9 days and…
  • This is good too. :-) Same time, every time. I usually only weigh in on Mondays, to keep myself more accountable on the weekends, but I have started a mid-week weigh in for short term goals.
  • I agree. That's when I weigh myself, and that's what my physician told me told. I feel I am getting the most accurate weight then.
  • Thank you everyone! I enjoyed how the advice differed from one person to the next! This is really what MFP is all about... thank you community!
  • Lose 5-8 lbs (?!!?!?!) Bare minimum outside/fast food Increase water intake, at least 6 cups Gym 4 days a week, outside exercise 1 day Restrict splurg or sweet intake to once a week, if that. STAY ON THE WAGON! Boost self-esteem, not "down talk" myself. No new clothes this month! I'm done accomodating my size!
  • Since I am having trouble with my goals, I'd love to be in on this! I weigh in on Mondays, so I'll use that as my start weight for March.
  • I'm so happy I stumbled upon this thread! One of my main reasons to lose weight right now is because are are going to TTC starting in July 2011, a short 7 months from now. One of the main reasons for holding off is because I want to be healthier before we start. It will my first! Anyone have any tips or stories to share,…
  • I'm looking for some support out there! The ones that know that sometimes, you can drink water all week but need that 12oz coke on Saturday, or that you can eat salads all week long and really need that cup of ice cream on Sunday. I haven't ever really "dieted" until this past spring. I did it the hard way, counted…