Day 1, Hello

So it is offically day 1 for me! I just had baby #4 on Ocotober 1 and I am beginning my start back to exercise & diet. I got my clearance from my obgyn to head back to the gym so that is where I will be going tonight when hubby is home from work. I have actually gone about 4 times already but it was just a very slow kind of warm up so today is the real start. The exersice part is not the problem for me except when hubby is not able to watch the boys then it gets a bit tougher. Mostly it's my diet, I don't eat good or eat regular meals during the day. I have 4 boys, 3 of them under 3 so I stay very busy and either forget to eat for awhile or grab whatever is around and easy. I need to hit the grocery store and buy up good stuff so the quick and easy things to grab will also be good for me! I gained about 40lbs with this pregnancy and I am down about 20lbs but it is no where near where I want to be. I hope to loose first of all the last 20lbs from pregnancy then to go beyond that atleast 20lbs more. I am going to be realistic and not expect any miracles but I am really going to try hard this time. I want to feel good about my body again, to be healthy for myself and my boys and to like what I see when I look in the mirror!!


  • dtmwed
    dtmwed Posts: 130 Member
    Congrats! Best Of Luck!
  • LadyBarb
    LadyBarb Posts: 116
    Keep up pushing, you will do realy good!
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    Welcome and congratulations on your new bundle of joy! This is the right place for inspiration, motivation, encouragement and success. :smile:
  • kasargent
    kasargent Posts: 11 Member
    I'm looking for some support out there! The ones that know that sometimes, you can drink water all week but need that 12oz coke on Saturday, or that you can eat salads all week long and really need that cup of ice cream on Sunday. I haven't ever really "dieted" until this past spring. I did it the hard way, counted calories, ate mostly right and exercised. I was able to lose 14 lbs and break into a weight catagory I hadn't seen in awhile. It was great. But, oh, how quick it all came back this fall. I got busy, started cheating more.... stop going to the gym.... just plain, fell off. So now, I am having to lose it all over again, PLUS! It's discouraging, I'm not gonna lie.

    Anyways, I want to get in better shape for several reasons. The obvious one, I want a better body :-). Also, my husband and I started on this path at the same time this spring and he looks amazing! He is doing so great! And another main reason is, we are going to start preparing for pregnancy. I have about 7 months or so until our target start date. I'm not there, weight wise. Or eating habits wise, for that matter.

    What I am hoping for using this site is the community aspect. Some help, tips along the way.