

  • Short crust pastry. It makes me gag if I try to eat it and can put me off a meal if it's on my plate. If I eat a quiche or a pie with it, I'll just eat the filling and leave the pastry. Yuck.
  • My advise would be to look into other types of cuisine, such as japanese, italian, spanish. If you do your research into these types of food along with your knowledge of healty eating, you can come up with low fat recipes that are really tasty. Also perhaps look into some healthy eating cook books? I've just got a…
  • With a boyfriend of almost four years, living together for one and a bit, hoping this summer I'll have a bit of shiney on my hand, hearing rumours hehehe....
  • Hey, I'm on 1250 a day, just started a couple of weeks ago (weight loss is a bit unknown at the moment because my scales only arrived saturday morning but I am feeling a change). Feel free to add me :)
  • I take the stairs rather than the lifts, I stand up and walk in a little circle near my desk while I work (I use a headset so I have this luxury, any PC input is done very quickly), I go to the bathroom on different floors to mine which forces me to use the stairs more hehe. Also as I commute I get off the bus a stop…
  • There's this kinda weird but very tasty quiche kind of thing you can make with it too. Rather than using any pastry, cook up some pasta (whole grain works if you're being uber healthy), chop the normal veg you would like in a quiche such as onions, peppers, mushrooms, spinach etc, and some lean ham or rindless baking if…
  • There's a few different things I like to do with it, for example cutting up pineapple chunks into it, stirring it into tomatoey pasta dishes, adding spring onions, salt and pepper to make a yummy jacket potato filling, or very finely chopped chilli if you want a spicey kick. I think the trick is to experiment with it, it's…