People with a desk job



  • leah0521
    I work at a desk job. I try to walk anywhere and everywhere I can possibly find a reason to go to. Lots of "bathroom breaks" where I walk to the furthest location. I also carry my restraint band in my purse and stand up 2-3 times a day, put in around my ankles and do leg lifts while I am working to get some strengthening exercise in througout my day. I also take my 30-60 minute lunch and walk the entire length around my work (a huge factory) which works out being all the way around is 1 mile. I speed walk that 2-3 time for my cardio.
  • nascarbettie
    nascarbettie Posts: 69 Member
    This is a low impact workout you can do from your chair from Johnathan Roche of No Excuses.

    I too work a desk job but on my breaks and lunches I walk the building and go up and down the stairs. Thank you for posting this article. I plan to put it to good use. As far as legality of not taking a lunch break, in the past I had a job that didn't allow lunches. I checked with the labor board here and was told it's not a law that you have to take a lunch unless you are under 16. Some larger companies require that you take one just to keep from messing with law suits. idk, it's what he told me tho.
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    I do not workout during work time and I have TWO desk jobs.

    Day 6:30am - 3:30pm (Sundays off)
    Evening 4:30pm - 9:30pm (Tuesdays off)

    (Saturdays off both)

    However, I do not sit on a chair during my day job - I brought in a yoga ball. It's not much but it will help with your core and chairs are plenty bad for your back anyways - making the spine lazy.

    I also get up every morning at 4:30am (on work days) to complete my 20 minutes of 30 day shred.

    Best of luck!

    PS - The no lunch thing is definitely a concern. Statistics show that most people can't work an hour uninterrupted in complete concentration little lone EIGHT! Food for thought :)
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    I've gotten really good at not snacking during work and planning a healthy lunch.

    Which is quite better then any exercise you could do at your desk
  • RozWynn
    RozWynn Posts: 30
    I work your typical 9-5 during the day and usually do not leave my desk, not even for lunch. What do you 9-5ers do to exercise at your desk???

    I work at a desk but use every reason to get up. I do not fax from my desk I get up and stand at the fax machine. I drink loads of water so I am constantly up to go to the bathroom and I always go to the one furthest from me. I do not smoke but since folks get 15 minutes smoke breaks I take a few minutes and walk down the street and back.
    I move as much as possib.e
  • 30Purple
    30Purple Posts: 252 Member
    I don't work out while at work, but I do tend to go for a long walk a few times a week and lift weights or do stretching yoga-like activities when I am not working. My job has definitely contributed to my laziness and weight gain.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member

    Is this supposed to be better for your posture? Seems hard to believe with no back support
  • zaph0d
    zaph0d Posts: 1,172 Member
    image omitted

    Is this supposed to be better for your posture? Seems hard to believe with no back support

    It forces you to work your core a little bit while sitting. But in the image shown above, her hips are too low. She should have a slightly bigger ball to make the thighs parallel to the ground.
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    Bump for later
  • Marksman21
    Marksman21 Posts: 126 Member
    There's not much you CAN do for this. There's a few tips, tricks, etc, that have been mentioned, however, don't be afraid to stand up once every hour, stretch and move about the office before sitting down and getting backk to it.

    Granted, I also work IT, Desktop Support. So every hour I get up to do the rounds around the office, get some legwork going and keep myself awake before I get back to the desk.
  • randomgirlusa
    randomgirlusa Posts: 45 Member
    WOW! This is awesome. I tried this just now!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!
    This is a low impact workout you can do from your chair from Johnathan Roche of No Excuses.
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    I work a desk job 911. I get up at 345am and don't get off until 3pm. I work out AFTER work. I have to pay attn when im at work.
    I do drink no less than 96 oz of water while im at work + tea and coffee so I'm constantly up and walking to the restroom. I'll even take the stairs up a few levels instead of going to the restroom just down the hallway.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 637 Member
    Can someone explain to me why some of you don't have lunch breaks? Are you just so busy you can't get away? Even the boss of my office leaves for lunch. I guess I don't understand being that busy, I think you have to make time for lunch.
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I move my legs alot. Bicycle in place. Leg lifts. Stretches. Pace back and forth. Bring a jug of water with you. Whenever you empty it, walk to the water fountain to refil. You will also be walking to the bathroom a lot. If there are stairs, take those everywhere. Park further away from the door. There's plenty you can do when you set your mind to it.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    I make myself drink 100oz a day. Last week was a bit of a fail but for the most part 90-100oz a day. I dont leave for lunch but I have to go to the kitchen frequently to get more water and to the bathroom frequently to get rid of the water. :)
  • LiliWray
    LiliWray Posts: 101 Member
    I park in the parking space that is farthest away from the door.
    I am required to wear heavy duty boots whenever I leave the front office (I work in manufacturing) and the boots give me an extra ten pounds or so to walk with.
    That gives me an idea: could you wear ankle weights under your pants? Extra strength training when you walk :happy:
  • laurasimmons
    laurasimmons Posts: 578 Member
    I will usually get up from my desk to go walk around. I have done squats and lunges at my desk though.
  • wigglemish
    I take the stairs rather than the lifts, I stand up and walk in a little circle near my desk while I work (I use a headset so I have this luxury, any PC input is done very quickly), I go to the bathroom on different floors to mine which forces me to use the stairs more hehe. Also as I commute I get off the bus a stop earlier both ways than I used to. I also plan on taking my resistance band from some recent physiotherapy to work with me and tieing it to the back of my chair to use it on and off throughout the day. One of the pluses of a basically hands free desk job I guess :)
  • Sophiem1402
    Sophiem1402 Posts: 27 Member
    I work out before work at the gym, and take my dog for a run/ walk afterwork. Im at work from 7.30am - 4.30pm. :) I think if i had my own office, i would do some work outs at work.. But i dont :(