

  • Consistency is key! But to be more specific, I've lost 122 pounds so far by sticking to the following: - 5 meals a day (breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner) - I ate foods that were high in protein and low in fat - beef jerky and special k protein bars were the two i used the most for my morning and…
  • I bought the C1750 and have been pretty happy with it until last week. In one week the incline stopped adjusting to the right level and the touchscreen stopped responding completely. After 3 calls to their horrible customer service department, they finally agreed to order some replacement parts and send out a technician to…
  • I definitely fell off the wagon this weekend and gained some! Today's a new day though and back to eating right. Have to take it one day at a time to keep from getting down about a few bad days.
  • Welcome to the club! Getting an account is the first step. Diligently recording everything (no matter how unhealthy it is some days) is the key to success here. I've noticed that if I have a piece of candy here and some extra sauce here and a sip of this, etc..... it adds up much quicker than you realize. This site has…
  • I'd love to be able to say I'm losing weight for myself..... but it gets too easy to drop it that way. I now tell myself that I'm losing the weight for them. Every time I look at my twins (one boy and one girl), I remind myself of how much I want to be here with them. It has made these last 4 months sooo much easier!
  • You're an inspiration to many of us. Congratulations and keep up the good work. I hope my chart one day looks like yours!