Shadbad Member


  • i would think a little extra water should help.
  • the main thing i would be careful of is if you drink too much water you flush out too much sodium.
  • hey, some veggies are what is known as "gas forming vegetables" (at least thats what we called it when i was a dietician's assistant) ironic... anyways, things like broccoli and cauliflower are major culprits, but if you want to take a beano or something that should help, but veggies as a snack is def the way to go! fruit…
  • Hey im just starting too, and im trying to lose about 110lbs so far im doing ok, saturday was a bust- family dinner at texas roadhouse and i broke down and i ordered a prime rib.. i felt terrible after and the disappointment i felt will hopefully be a good lesson for the future. My husband doesnt make it easy by eating all…