100+ lbs to lose


I have been using myfitness pal for a week now and it has helped me a great deal, I needto connect with others who have 100+ lbs to lose for support. This has beena hard journey for me. However I am sticking to it and will not stop until the weight is off and I am healthy.


  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I have over 100 as well plus I am over 50 years old. You can friend me plus there are lots of great folks on the site to help you.
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    Hello! Glad to meet you. I'd love to help support you in this journey. I will friend you.:flowerforyou:
  • adjones_21
    adjones_21 Posts: 234 Member
    This is a good place to be if you have that much left to lose. I too have 100+ left to lose.
  • luvcookie
    luvcookie Posts: 97
    hi,you can add me as well...i had joined this site way back but never done anything with it,however came back in the last week and committed to stay until my weight is off ! I need all the support i can get as im doing this alone and it isnt as easy strugling on ur own to try and lose....Joanne
  • AmandaEMolo
    AmandaEMolo Posts: 4 Member
    I just joined also. See you at 100lbs~!
  • Shadbad
    Shadbad Posts: 4 Member

    I have been using myfitness pal for a week now and it has helped me a great deal, I needto connect with others who have 100+ lbs to lose for support. This has been a hard journey for me. However I am sticking to it and will not stop until the weight is off and I am healthy.

    Hey im just starting too, and im trying to lose about 110lbs so far im doing ok, saturday was a bust- family dinner at texas roadhouse and i broke down and i ordered a prime rib.. i felt terrible after and the disappointment i felt will hopefully be a good lesson for the future. My husband doesnt make it easy by eating all the stuff i used to eat but "cant" anymore. I think it will make me a stronger person every time i say no to anything fattening!
  • red1879
    red1879 Posts: 4
    I have a hundred and twenty to lose, you can add me as a friend too. Ive been a member here for almost a month, so i'm new to this too. Good luck with your journey, and don't give up. You can do this!
  • newsammy11
    newsammy11 Posts: 75 Member
    I also am looking to lose 100+ lbs and I am half way there! It's a difficult journey but yet so rewarding in many different ways! I know you will be able to do it! Good luck! YOU CAN DO THIS!! :bigsmile:
  • karo224
    karo224 Posts: 292
    welcome and the best of luck on your journey. I have about 200 to lose and will be here for quite a while....not going anywhere until i reach my goal. i started at 379 and have lost 26lbs since the middle of January. I would love to help you on this journey...feel free to friend me if you wish.:flowerforyou:
  • MichelleMcWain
    MichelleMcWain Posts: 66 Member
    I have 175lbs or so to lose. I am in this for the long haul and found MFP really helps me think about what I am eating. Add me, we can support eachother along the way. Good luck!
  • MaysMom
    MaysMom Posts: 103 Member
    Friend request sent! :-)
  • blueiz35
    blueiz35 Posts: 24
    I also have a 100+ to lose I have lost and gained and lost and gained all my life !! I know it has to be a lifestyle change and not just a temporary diet! I had lost 115lbs but I have gained nearly 25lbs back this has been such a struggle for me I want to lose it so bad and it seems like everyday I have my mind made up that I can do it but by the end of the day Im eating any and everything and then get mad at myself because I do it. Does any one else have this problem? This is a wondeful place with lots of support and encouragement, hopefully we can all keep each other motivated ! Please feel free to friend me, We can all do this together!!!!
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    Well welcome to MFP! I don't have 100+ lbs to lose but I did when I joined on Feb.22, 2010. I had about 130 to 140 to lose. Now a year later I only have 20 to 30 to lose. I have lost 106 lbs just using this site, logging my food, drinking my water and eventually adding lots of exercise. I am 56 years old, have A LOT going on in my life (work full time, have a husband with Alzheimer's, kids and grandkids with issues) and even with all that I have done it. If I can do it I know you ALL can. There were some rough days but each day I reminded myself of a saying I saw someone post when I was new. "Losing weight is not a race...it is a journey." And I decided that was how I was going to approach this. The rest of my life will be that journey toward making myself the healthiest I can be. Yes, I remember how excited I was when I lost 20 or so lbs and could paint my toes. And when I could walk up steps without stopping to rest a million times. I DEFINITELY remember when I could shop for "regular" size clothing! I am now in a size 12 heading to a size 10! I never thought it was possible. I was in a 24 heading to a 26 when I started! I can see my collar bones, feel my hips, the list is endless! Good luck to you all and PLEASE just stick it out. When it is a rough day just say "I can DO this TODAY". And if you do mess up just pick yourself up (DON'T beat yourself up) and start over the next meal or the next day.
  • blueiz35
    blueiz35 Posts: 24
    Congratulations!!! What an awesome story! Keep up the good work!
  • ClarencePrior
    ClarencePrior Posts: 6 Member
    Well welcome to MFP! I don't have 100+ lbs to lose but I did when I joined on Feb.22, 2010. I had about 130 to 140 to lose. Now a year later I only have 20 to 30 to lose. I have lost 106 lbs just using this site, logging my food, drinking my water and eventually adding lots of exercise. I am 56 years old, have A LOT going on in my life (work full time, have a husband with Alzheimer's, kids and grandkids with issues) and even with all that I have done it. If I can do it I know you ALL can. There were some rough days but each day I reminded myself of a saying I saw someone post when I was new. "Losing weight is not a race...it is a journey." And I decided that was how I was going to approach this. The rest of my life will be that journey toward making myself the healthiest I can be. Yes, I remember how excited I was when I lost 20 or so lbs and could paint my toes. And when I could walk up steps without stopping to rest a million times. I DEFINITELY remember when I could shop for "regular" size clothing! I am now in a size 12 heading to a size 10! I never thought it was possible. I was in a 24 heading to a 26 when I started! I can see my collar bones, feel my hips, the list is endless! Good luck to you all and PLEASE just stick it out. When it is a rough day just say "I can DO this TODAY". And if you do mess up just pick yourself up (DON'T beat yourself up) and start over the next meal or the next day.

    Wow. What an inspirational story!? Thank you so much for sharing. I am going to write that quote on our wall.
  • ClarencePrior
    ClarencePrior Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • RitaPrior
    RitaPrior Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks to everyone for supporting my hubby on this journey. We can do this together. MFP is a safe place to learn and lose.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi--I'm 41 and just joined 3 weeks ago. I don't quite have 100 lbs. to lose but close (i'm 235 and would like to get down to 160). Would love some friends for support, so please friend me if you'd like :happy:
  • StabR80
    StabR80 Posts: 320 Member
    I know my ticker say's less but I really have more than 100 to lose as well. welcome to MFP you are going to love it here! I ahve been at it for 3 weeks and am down 13 lbs. I will send you a FR :)
  • brandy66763
    I can completely relate :) My overall goal is to lose 125. I started using MFP after I had already lost 27 lbs. I still have 90 lbs to go. I truly enjoy the site and I love reading the stories of people who have lost large amounts of weight. Very inspiring to me and encouraging.

    Good luck on your journey :) I have complete faith in you and all of us!