VegasFit Member


  • I think 5$ is a steal for a specialty class like that. I think they are $20 here. I say try it. At the most you're out a little sleep and $5.
  • I have never thought about using cauliflower in my shakes but I always use veggies, frozen or fresh, just because I don't really like veggies and it's a good way to get them in. One of my favorite morning meals is a banana, date, almond milk, chocolate pb2 protein smoothie.
  • Love mine also and usually wear the chest strap with it. It's $200 new at Walmart. Samsclub even has it on bundle. Didn't feel like logging in to reveal the price.
  • In my area there are quite a few Crossfit gyms on Classpass. Orange Theory is not on the list but other similar boutique gyms in town offer similar workouts. In my area there are quite a few Crossfit gyms on Classpass. Orange Theory is not on the list but other similar boutique gyms in town offer similar workouts. Orange…
  • It's unfortunate that both options are fairly expensive. For myself I have one main gym that falls into the same price category and then I just supplement with Classpass, Groupon, etc., or drop in packages for other gyms/activities that I still want to do without committing to full memberships at those facilities.
  • I don't really know anything about her programs and I don't follow any BBG peeps but I came across this person yesterday and I am now following her and it's the most I've even heard about BBG in her post.
  • I don't do Crossfit but I do take a lifting class at a crossfit gym and 'm hooked on that. I love the camaraderie and I see the post about Street Parking on IG because I follow Miranda. Looks like a great workout.
  • Not sure what you mean by physical works but this time of year you really have to get out early or head to Mt. Charleston to beat the heat. Valley of Fire is beautiful too but definitely hot out there! I hope to check out Zion soon.
  • So beautiful too!
  • Always my Ninja blender, which for about $40 when they first came out years ago is still going strong. And I just inherited an air fryer from my Mom and I love it. It's something I never would have bought myself but I find myself using it about 3-4 times a week. I only wish it was bigger.
  • It is and it's practically my backyard. I feel like I am in pretty good shape until I go hiking!
  • 24 Hour Fitness, been a member forever but currently just use it once a week for cycle class. It's cheap, multiple locations and 24 hour access at most of them. Work gym, cheap, 24 hour access. Use it when I want to lift on my own. Private gym No. 1, expensive but athletic based training, boxing, equipment that is not…
  • They have one at one of my gyms and also at my physical therapist office. Last year they had a rep at Costco. I've only ever used them to stretch out on and that's just cause it's there. If she's buying it because of the toning and weight loss claim try and get her to save her money!
  • I'm also a fan of Halo Top. Red Velvet, cookie dough and chocolate chip crunch are my faves. I'm glad it's available in more stores now but I don't buy it like I used too cause it's too expensive. More than $3.99 and they are not getting my money!
  • I've never had this problem but I tend to stick with compression for my lower body wear and certain brands, Nike, Old Navy, Lucy.
  • I hike. I wish I could get out more. My scenery doesn't look like the above pictures as I am in Las Vegas. I live right by Red Rock and there are some great short hikes there for all levels. For more greenery if I drive an hour outside of town there is Mt. Charleston. I'm actually going to California this weekend and will…
  • I had to google it. I've never heard it referred to as a Crossramp before. I would log it as elliptical also. If you're drenched in sweat I'd say that's a good sign! The stepmill And the Sparc do that to me too!
  • I currently do both. I average 3 morning bootcamps a week and one boxing class. I really like the boxing because it's mental as well as physical. I agree about utilizing Yipit, Groupon or Living Single for deals. Classpass has been a great option for me as far as mixing it up. They always run intro deals as well.
  • That explains it then. I haven't signed up for anything but I do sign into MFP everyday. I've never used them. I like to buy workout gear in person.
  • I also have the Vivoactive HR. I do wear the chest strap if I am boxing. I like to see where my heart rate is during certain workouts and my calorie burn. I don't pay attention to the sleep stats although I really only take it off to charge it. I also really like Garmin's support. They are very responsive through social…
  • You can add me. Qwikhnds.
  • Depending on how I'm feeling I will drop into my chiropractor. I'm lucky that my insurance covers and that my chiro is an athlete so he can relate to my occasional aches and pains. Finding a reputable one is important or it's just a waste of time IMO.
  • I've never heard of Hot HIIT but it sounds very similar to classes that are very popular here. I've never thought of them as necessary a detox. Hot pilates, barefoot bootcamp, etc., usually pretty crowded. People just tend to modify if they are struggling just like in a normal temperature class. As for estimating calories…
    in Hot HIIT Comment by VegasFit April 2017
  • Aside from being curious as to what company it is I agree with kimny72. I am a fan of smoothies/protein shakes as meal replacements and I also prefer that prep over traditional prep so I understand where you are coming from. I just make my own using a variety of ingredients and log it. I prep and freeze in Mason jars then…
  • I like Halo Top and Enlightened. It's an expensive endeavor to figure out which flavors you will like as everyone is different. Not a fan of Artic Zero at all. It's right on the packaging to let it sit for awhile before you eat it. The price stops me from buying it like I used too. If I can catch it on sale I will.
  • I'm a big fan of smoothies. They satisfy my sweet tooth and it's an easy way to get my veggies in as I always add a chard, kale, spinach, carrot blend to mine. I often have them as a meal. The main protein I use in them is powder or Greek yogurt.
  • If it's a free class I would try it especially to get the scan. I have to admit my goal is to try every gym in town :)
  • You're doing awesome! Congrats! I say start incorporating resistance now. I always get the best results with a mix of cardio and resistance training.
  • I try to go six days a week. Wednesday is my rest day. Occasionally, I'll take a second day off if I'm just not feeling it or if something else pops up. If I go less than 5 or 6 I don't feel right
  • I'm a fan of bootcamp, strenghth and conditioning, circuit type classes. Can't really put a name on them cause I don't take them at big box gyms. I like boxing and cycle too. As far as a chain gym that I like their format is F45 but I think they are a little pricey.