nanap777 Member


  • Hi, I too have MS, but I am still at RR/MS stage. I'm lucky I've been allowed to try Disease Modifying Drugs and I'm currently on Avonex. This is my 2nd day, this time around, on My Fitness Pal.
  • Hiya, thanks for your quick reply. Well done in making it to your 2nd week. The first 2-3 weeks are the worst trying to get into a new routine, so keep up the good work. You are right about being hard on yourself, I'm just the same and I think this is why I fail so often. By the way I love your profile photo. As you can…
  • Hi, I'm a newbie too and this is my first week. I am on 1200 calories too. Maybe we could all help each other? Alison x