kristamarie91 Member


  • OK I'm sorry but if you're on a weight loss journey the best thing you can do is lift weights... so... Oh, and this was for the lady who said that people don't want to or need to.
  • So sad... I am lifting about 85, 160 on squats, 60 on curls. etc etc and this is after not lifting for about a year.
  • I do jumping jacks or go for a walk or something else when I want to eat when I'm bored! Find an exercise or a really low calorie snack if you can't resist:)
  • I really want to loose weight, but I need motivating friends! I'm a mom too so I'd like to see what other moms eat! <---add me:)
  • Well if you don't do much when you aren't exercising I'd personally put sedentary or lightly active depending on how active you are besides the cycling you do. Technically you're counting it twice because when you put it for highly active its already adding the burned calories for you. I think that when you put the…
  • First off that is great! Congratulations! I hope that you find continued support on here and keep working on your goals and constantly change them up. You wouldn't believe the things your body can do once you make it!
  • I feel like this is something that will be fought about forever. People just go back and forth on the issue. I deleted my old account because when I did a fast people would post negative things. Just because you read ONE article doesn't mean you are making a valid point. I could go and research a bunch from both sides and…
  • I'm more of a cold pizza kinda gal! And now that I think about it, it's been a VERY long time since I've done that!
  • 1. Well we have the same accounts, and we pay all the bills the same way and don't have to worry about doing things in half. 2. We are married, but we started sharing an account before we got engaged! 3. We decided when it was getting annoying to driving to all the different banks to distribute money for different bills or…
  • I think the hardest part for me was growing up with my dad as my single parent. He would constantly call me names like bubble but, and chunka, and chubby cheeks. And I wasn't even that big then I just had some baby fat to lose then. And then when I gained a bunch of weight he said, you should really eat like this and go…
  • Well it really depends on how she calculated your calories and how active you are during the day. She might have meant since she calculated your calories with stuff you do everyday then don't count those things because they are already accounted for in your caloric intake. But if she calculated you at Sedentary (which I…
  • My two cents: First cent: If you're going to post something like this, you should expect bad, negative thoughts from others-so you shouldn't get defensive about it. Second Cent: 1200 maybe be working for you now, but don't always expect it to. I did that for about 2 months and after that I started getting extremely tired,…
  • Well honestly if you want to keep any weight off or to continue to loose its going to be hard not to without exercise... You'll be very flabby and have loose skin. Even if you went walking like once a day for 30 minutes that'd help you out a lot. And maybe do some light exercises with body weight. If you are serious about…
  • Agree! I did the whole 1200-1300 a day thing and it was awful. I'm 5ft and eat 1650 a day and losing. And most of the time if I exercise I eat some calories back!
  • For me I think it was the fact that when I lived with my parents they controlled everything we did. Including what we all ate. We didn't have cable TV growing up, and we didn't get fruit roll-ups and little cupcakes in our lunch's like the other kids. So growing up we were all very fit and thin kids. But then when I moved…
  • Along with eating more, you need to pick things that are filled with proteins and good fats that'll keep you fuller. Also, tortillas are about 200 calories and don't leave you feeling full. Orowheat bread is whole wheat and for two slices about 130 calories. When you're eating things, think- will this keep me full? I eat…
  • I actually prefer it because it makes me feel less self conscious AND there are less people around the neighborhood to bump into and cars if you have to cross the street! I wear light colored clothing because I don't like the reflective stuff. I have a flashlight that I run with and keep it towards the ground, a little…
  • Yeah I'm eating lunch and people are done! -Monterey, CA area
  • My In laws are awesome! When we lived like 3 minutes down the street (now we live about 3300 miles away) we were always over for dinner parties and cookouts and bon fires. It was awesome! My first Christmas with them was so welcoming and I really felt like I was a part of their family. I'm closer to them then my real…
  • 1, How long did you plan? 6 Months 2. How much did you spend? (sorry if that's personal) Was this more/less than you planned? I spent total probably like 7k, and that was about what we planned maybe a little less. 3. How many people were invited/ how many showed up? 60 Invited/ 52 attended 4. What did you give out for…