

  • I have personally never tried either ----HOWEVER my friend who is a police officer SWEARS by P90X! Loves it, loves it, loves it! She says its the best thing and the only thing to get her to the point of fitness she wants to be at. That's the only testimonial I can offer you.
  • I love Vivians ideas! If thats not enough - because it sounds like you are used to doing alot - how about a swim? thats an allover workout, but a lot less stress on the joints. depending on where you are, and where you go to take that dip it may either be cheap/free (public pool/local high schools) or may offer a relaxing…
  • Hi pinbotchick and makeitallsue! New to the site and liking it already. Just wanted to add my two cents of encouragement about running. I just did a Turkey Trot (5k) on Thursday - my FIRST EVER! didn't really train for it, but I have been going to the gym consistently for about 2 months. Even though I had to walk at times,…
  • I say make the jump! If you aren't going to your current gym, then you're just wasting the money anyway! Join the new one, and make the commitment to GO! You'll find that the end result is worth it and will 'earn' that difference by going more often. Best of Luck - you can do it!
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