

  • Green Tea and Water are probably the healthiest things you can drink. Green Tea will give you a great boost of energy and it is magic for your metabolism. I love it.
  • I love Juicing! It is such a fast way to clean out your body and lose weight. I juice from more of a health standpoint and less to lose weight but i sometimes like to do a three day juice detox and I always lose weight from it. I love Juicing because it tastes so much better than just eating a bunch of vegetables and it…
    in Juicing Comment by michcmb October 2012
  • If you want to eat only raw foods for a few days to lose weight a great way to do it is to juice or blend a bunch of fruits and veggies for meals. No sugar just natural foods, you can lose weight really fast by doing a three day or ten day juice detox and it really is simple. There are a ton of very yummy and healthy…