


  • Rags2Righteous
    Rags2Righteous Posts: 200 Member
    I just started juicing on Saturday afternoon when my Breville Juice Fountain Compact arrived ($99 on Amazon). I've only enjoyed it for three days so far, and I can say that I absolutely love it. The machine is very powerful, and the pulp is not wet when I finish, so I know I am getting a decent amount of juice. I am slowly easing into a juice fast that I will begin tonight at sundown and break at sundown on Thursday. I just wanted to do a three day fast to give myself a break and to replenish myself with much needed nutrients, since I tend to eat a lot of junk and processed foods. I got this idea from the Reboot website (http://www.jointhereboot.com/)

    I plan on juicing every morning, and storing my daily juice in mason jars so I have my "meals" ready to go for the workday. The clean-up time is not bad at all. When I think of the time it takes to cook a full meal, I feel like 15 minutes clean, chop, and juice fresh produce for the whole day is pretty good! By the way, I have made delicious combinations of the following:


    If you have a Kindle, Amazon is offering "Juicing Recipes For Vitality and Health" by Drew Canole for free with a prime subscription. He has a ton of simple recipes, explaining the health benefits of each. Enjoy!!
  • eksproductions
    eksproductions Posts: 138 Member
    Juiced 30 days, no solid foods, lost 22lbs. Here's the blog I wrote with a lot of links to recipes, try the Peach Pie! You will love it!
  • I am lazy so I brought a high speed mixer (Blendtec) 3 years ago for making green smoothies. Each batch includes 2 bags of Trader Joe's Power Greens (baby chard, kale and spinach), 2 cups of frozen organic blueberries (Costco), frozen strawberries (Costco), frozen organic banana's and organic flax seed powder (Costco). I fill 3 32 oz mason jars and consume one each morning for breakfast with 5 grams of chlorella and 5 grams of spirulina (both NOW 500 mg tablets). After consuming these smoothies for 6 months in the morning I have lost 20 lbs, my grey hair is now black again and I have to clip my fast growing nails 2 times a week now. I believe the real benefits are occurring inside my body at the cell level.
  • I love Juicing! It is such a fast way to clean out your body and lose weight. I juice from more of a health standpoint and less to lose weight but i sometimes like to do a three day juice detox and I always lose weight from it. I love Juicing because it tastes so much better than just eating a bunch of vegetables and it really does fill you up just like a normal meal would. When I do a three day juice detox I juice three to five times a day so that i keep my metabolism rate up and so that I never feel hungry. Yes the juicer is a pain to clean but I kinda like that it takes a while because it keeps me occupied for a while and keeps my mind off of eating something. I am constantly looking up new juicing ideas to try and I have a TON of tasty juicing options saved in my computer so I never get tired of the same juice every time. I STRONGLY recommend juicing! Good luck.
  • MsBeautifullOne
    MsBeautifullOne Posts: 54 Member
    I just bought a Breville Juicer and im in love!!! I juice for breakfast and dinner. I juiced before in june with no solid food and I went insane, This time I have more control of what im juicing and how much Im juicing. Day 2 coming up.

    Fav juice: carrots, apples, splash of kale, splash of pineapple, and 2-inch of ginger for breakfast!
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    Oh, that kind of juicing.
  • HappyandToned
    HappyandToned Posts: 49 Member
    So, I'm pretty sure I nailed a damn good juice recipe yesterday! SO GOOD!

    Half a beetroot, one apple, one carrot, a stalk of celery, half a cucumber and some ginger-root. Usually I'd throw in some baby Cos lettuce leaves, but I didn't have any in the fridge. But this juice was really, really good! Definitely my current favourite. :D
  • jbaerbock
    jbaerbock Posts: 85 Member

    This is the bad boy juicer I just got today and wow is it easy to clean, took 5 minutes and done. Just did some straight up carrot juice and the pulp was really dry so got a good ratio of juice off the carrots. I've heard wonder stories about carrot juice so figured I'd try it (had it when I was a youngin).