asweren Member


  • Would love to be part of this group. I'm 5'3 1/2 (in the morning) and want to get to 135'ish. 130 would be awesome. If this becomes a group, please add me! I have a question for this thread: How much time do you spend filling in your daily food? Perhaps I'm obsessive, but I find hours have passed while i'm researching…
  • I read cookbooks like other people read novels. I have some books, and some on my tablet. I love them both ways, but it's easier to carry a tablet around. Hey -- even JeanLuc Picard reads books, as well as his "tablet". :happy:
  • I go as far in advance as I can. I usually pack my lunch, so I know what that's going to be, and if I know what dinner is, then I'll go ahead and log that in also. I feel it gives me an idea of where I'm headed for the day - and whether or not I can sneak in any extra chocolate! I don't usually go more than a day out,…
  • I never drank loads of water, until I got pregnant. If I didn't drink TONS of water (64oz), I would wind up in the hospital with Braxton-Hicks contractions. (Full disclosure: I had a high risk twin pregnancy: I learned to drink that water, because I didn't want to keep going back to the hospital.) Now, I love to drink…
  • I'm not sure I am that well controlled! I love fries, and if they are especially good (cooked the way I like them), I eat and eat and eat. Good for you to have learned to enjoy your indulgence with some control. I'm working on that, and I'm sure I'll continue to work on that for a long time to come!!!
  • I have 2 go-to breakfasts: My favorite is and omelet 2 duck eggs with some lowfat half and half and a lice of american cheese. My other fave is homemade granola with yogurt (greek or otherwise) and an apple. Sometimes, I will do the granola as a snack also. Yumm!
  • Without sounding too Carole King or Star Trek; I wouldn't change anything. All my experiences combine to make me the person I am today -- and that's a pretty good person. Yes, I'm overweight, but I have a stable and happy life, great husband, good kids, family support, good job, etc. Now, I've got loads of regrets -- I…
  • 5'3", 173lbs, size: shrinking out of a 14; I would be thrilled with a size 8! :smile:
  • Hi. I'm fairly new at posting, but here it goes: I'm 5'3" (in the morning) and started at about 183lbs. I've lost about 10lbs, and my daily calorie goal is about 1400. Some days (like today) I'm under, and some days I'm over. I've been really (really) bad this week, but I also got my period for the first time in months, so…
  • Stress totally makes me hungry. And stress (for me) comes in all different forms -- kids' grades, husband's work/travel schedule, mom's finances, etc. You name it, I'm hungry! I've just started this journey, and I'm still learning. I have no words or inspiration to offer, other than to say, Hey, it happens to me, too. One…
  • Sounds wonderful. Can't wait to try it!
  • Thanks, everyone! I guess I was trying to avoid all that data entry -- but as usual, it sounds like it's worth it in the end. Now, I'll get to work...:wink:
  • I eat duck eggs every day for breakfast. They are wonderful! On the occasion I may have a leftover egg yolk, I give it to my dog, and it makes her coat shiny.