

  • sriracha to the ranch adds a nice kick too, fried pickles=amazing
  • Florida State will probably win it all, I think they have been the most impressive by far of any team. And I am not a fan of theirs. Over the Bama though so anybody other than them would be great mmmmmkay
  • Wow, these are some great posts, and very comforting in knowing that although we are all so different, we are quite similar still! I like the old saying that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one foot step. The journey begins with a step of acknowledgement. Acknowledging that we have a problem is paramount. The…
  • make sure you are taking in enough calories. eat more food that is high in protein, high in fiber, and low in fat. consume more total calories and work out harder. for example eat 1600 or 1700 calories a day and burn 400 a day exercising. this way your body is getting enough nutrients, while still burning calories (fat),…
  • definately buy it, it really works. i am on week 3 1/2 and have seen results already. granted, i had a lot to lose. but as long as you do the work outs and eat half way decent, you have no choice but to lose weight. i highly recommend it. it is tough though, and you can only get out of it what you put into it. good luck