

  • DO IT!!! I love the Zumba classes I go to!!! Lots of people lack coordination...but it's not about doing everything's about getting your body moving!! The class I take has all ages and shapes/sizes/fitness levels!
  • That makes sense. I went through it too...I just did not know how to explain it. I had lost 25 pounds about 5-6 years ago...felt great..looked great(still over weight according to the charts...but what do they know?) Then I lapsed and over the next 4 years gained everything back and then some. Now I am back full force.…
  • If calories in= calories out in theory you will not gain or lose weight...there should be a gap, but at the same time you do not want to starve yourself because if that calorie gap is too big you will gain weight (weird huh) your body will store everything you eat because it feels starved...I shoot to be 200-400 calories…
  • You may have pulled a muscle.
  • I've been going through the same thing...need to stop looking at it as a really is a change in life much as I say this to myself...I struggle to hold on to the "life style change" Hoping this site will help me with it! Best of luck to you!
  • I could use all the help I can get! This is my 3rd trip to MFP...I keep telling myself that this time will be IT! (I think I am going to have to stick to it life long....)
  • Welcome to MFP!!!! I hope you find what you are looking for here!! It's a great support system...THis is my (whispers) 3rd time using it....I am working on making it a habit....I would track for a few weeks..then fall off the wagon..fell off for a whole year!!!! Lost weight on my own..gained it back...came trying…
  • Try dropping a wedge of lemon in your water!
    in water Comment by Mashisha January 2011
  • If you have a salad you will stay low on the calories! Even with a salad dressing. Dressing should be in a little cup onthe side and you should dip the salad into it rather than slathering it all over the salad(my guilty pleasure..I need to learn to practice what I preach) But a salad would be a good choice...if you have…
  • Try swimming if you have a local indoor pool..water aerobics and the such..that takes the strain off of knees and hip joints and provides great resistance!
  • Zumba is a great work out! The calorie burn is amazing! I was taking 3 classes a week before transfering at work. Trying to get back into the classes, but I have a big commute now. I would say give it a shot and see how your body reacts to it! It's a great time!
  • I don'tow how you feel about shopping at 2nd hand stores, but sometimes you can find really nice clothes there that are in great shape still. I know it's a treat to be able to buy new clothes when you have reached the goal you wanted, but just as a suggestion until you can find what you are looking for at your favorite…