
So I don't drink 8 8oz of water a day like I should. What should I do to get back to drinking 8 glasses a day.


  • lrns88
    lrns88 Posts: 151 Member
    I keep 2 litres at my desk and top up my glass whenever its empty. I've done 2.5 litres today and I'm hitting the gym tonight so should easily hit 4 litres by this evening!
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member
    I am not a huge water drinker myself but one trick I taught myself was to fill a bottle that I knew had at least two 8oz of water and told myself I had to drink at least onea day until I got to wanting two and slowly progressed. Im at 2 a day (thats 4 8oz) and probably will stick there.

    Also, my trainer says its oaky to put in crystal light if you hate water.

    I hope this helps.
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
    I keep 2 litres at my desk and top up my glass whenever its empty. I've done 2.5 litres today and I'm hitting the gym tonight so should easily hit 4 litres by this evening!

    I also do something like this. I have a water bottle at my desk. I tell myself I have to finish it and refill it by "X" time. If I don't finish it by then, I chug it and just go refill and start my next finish it by "X" time.
  • young1726
    young1726 Posts: 347 Member
  • lcglog
    lcglog Posts: 24
    I hate water...it's just boring and yet so good for you. You spice your good foods to make them taste better so use Crystal Light or the generic brands of flavorings. If I do that, then I can stand the water. I also have a 32 ounce glass at my desk...I drink a little after each email or meeting...goal is to drink 32 oz before lunch...then a soda.,...then 32 oz before I go home. It works for me.
  • Mashisha
    Try dropping a wedge of lemon in your water!
  • Awineburg
    Awineburg Posts: 196
    Keep a big bottle at your desk and just keep sipping all day long, even if your not thirsty. I also put some flavoring in my water, some prefer lemon. I actually prefer the crystal light packets or the Hawaiian punch (the small ones you can put in water bottles) The one packet is strong enough for a 1 liter bottle. Only 5 cal per a packet so its actually good and there is no sugar (i get the sugar free ones). Hope this helps :)
  • eates
    eates Posts: 334 Member
    I use the True Lemon/Lime/Orange packets in my water to help it be less boring!