qhorn1 Member


  • check out this great article on plantar fascitis: great tips! http://www.trailrunningclub.com/blog/2012/06/22/dealing-with-plantar-fasciitis/
    in Heel Pain Comment by qhorn1 October 2012
  • This is patient of ours: He writes for a running club. And he has recently run a 100K. I am sure you can click on anyone of his blog posts and write at the bottom. http://www.trailrunningclub.com/blog/author/rovert_d/
  • Great question: I had the same thing. I just put in the amount of calories they said you burn on average. Put it under cardio, but I am new to the app. Ask the instuctor the exact amount of calories burned next time you go.
    in BODY PUMP Comment by qhorn1 October 2012
  • check out this article: http://www.trailrunningclub.com/blog/2012/06/22/dealing-with-plantar-fasciitis/