Hi Rose friend me if you like.. hope you like MFP as much as I do logging everything seems to really of been the change I needed its working.. :)
just work the calories into your day and dont over do it, but if you think you wont have the self control then just dont do it..
pilates exercises, I know it sounds strange but really gets your heartbeat up and is a very good core workout.
asking the same question as fitphil2011 if your not eating enough you will not lose make sure you eat breakfast and and highest calorie intake in the morning and early afternoons and a early dinner so you can burn as much calories before bed ( sometimes even if I blow it and eat over calorie limit I will lose its like it…
have you been measuring your waist maybe your losing inches just not lbs. ?
I have noticed the same thing then in a 2 weeks drop another pound so its all good :)