feeling totally disheartened....losing the power to carry on

katetaylor83 Posts: 10
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
ok so i'm feeling really down at the moment. for the past almost most 4 weeks i've been determined to lose the extra 2 1/2 stone baby weight i put on. last year i stayed same weight all year but the year before i lost 2 1/2. this year i thought 'new year i will lose the rest' so i set out on a controlled calorie diet and exercise regime. i'm on my feet alot for work but almost every night i have also done 30-1hr of extra exercise...including wii plus and just dance and 2 different cardio dvd's.
dispite all this i still seem to be remaining the same weight..i know i may be building muscle with the exercise but i haven't lost any inches either.
i'm really wondering why and feeling really like there's no point. i ate ALOT more last year and still stayed the same.

really losing my motivation and feeling really upset that my hard work isn't having any difference.
help!!!!!!!!!!!!! please


  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    question is, are you eating enough?

    Maybe go see a dr or nutritionist?

    that is a bit dis-heartening....unfortunately i don't have any advice other than stick to it!
  • imcsqrd
    imcsqrd Posts: 32
    Don't give up - those last pounds are always the hardest. One tidbit to pass on that I know works from experience, I'm just not disciplined enough to make the lifestyle change permanent. Would call them 'eating rules' - 1. Keep meals 4.5 to 5 hours apart with no snacking 2. At each meal, eat palm sized portion of protein, palm size portion of carbs, thumb sized portion of fat and whatever vegs you like 3. Make sure there's 12 hours between dinner and breakfast 4. Do not eat within 3 hours of going to bed

    If you can go 4.5 - 5 hours, you will have been burning fat for about an hour. The 12 hours between dinner and breakfast allows the body to enter it's max fat burning stage that it will enter while we are sleeping. The portion guidelines just make it easier than actually measuring. As always, keep exercising and you should see results. Good luck.
  • i'm eating little and often. not snacking late at night like i was...just can't seem to lose much. had blood taken to check it not an under active thyrod too but it isn't. it's like my body thinking 'you lost 2 1/2 u aint getting any more off me'
  • asking the same question as fitphil2011 if your not eating enough you will not lose make sure you eat breakfast and and highest calorie intake in the morning and early afternoons and a early dinner so you can burn as much calories before bed ( sometimes even if I blow it and eat over calorie limit I will lose its like it throws a curve in my routine maybe you are being to strict with you eating habits switch it up a bit) we all get stuck but keep it up it will happen
  • cclala
    cclala Posts: 190 Member
    Take heart. I know how you feel, but weight doesn't move off in a linear fashion unfortunately. Some weeks the scale won't budge for me and the next it will have moved 5 lbs. I went for a 3 week period where I worked out every day, ate right, and GAINED 2 lbs.

    Please don't place all your hopes on the scale. Not only for the reason stated above, but also because it's not the most reliable measure of your progress. Here's a great, popular example of a journey like yours: (I know you said you aren't losing inches--often times the inches don't move until after things are more toned, at least for me. Have you taken any before and afters?)

  • imcsqrd
    imcsqrd Posts: 32
    Eating often is the problem - the body never (and I mean never) enters fat burning mode eating like that. Your body has to use up the insulin secreted when you eat, then it burns the glucagon (another sugar) stored in the liver, and then starts burning fat. The fat burning does not start until about the 4 hour mark AFTER eating. If you eat before then, the insulin/glucagon phase starts again and one never gets to the fat burning stage. Try spacing meals farther apart and the palm/thumb sized portions.
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 280 Member
    Don't give up Kate!!! Hang in there!! Just be patient and continue working hard. Don't get discouraged by the numbers you're seeing now...with time, you'll get the results you want!
  • thanks everyone.
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