
sillymonkey72 Posts: 2
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I recently tore my 2 main tendons in my ankle and I cant walk normally or jump. I still want to work out because i need to stay fit but all i can think of is doing sit ups and one leg push ups. Do you know any cardio workouts to do sitting or on one leg?


  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    sure - lots of stuff using a bench. how about swimming - just don't kick.

    you can also sit on the bench - and loads of exercises with that too.
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    chair exercises too. you can put on your favorite exercise dvd and just do the arm movements and basic leg movements from your chair. you'd be surprised how good of a workout you get and how tierd and sweaty you can get from your chair. moving is moving!!!
    if you don;'t have any exercise videos you can go to you tube and type in chair exercises there are a whole slew of them on there. don't give up on your goal.
  • Kaetheb
    Kaetheb Posts: 16 Member
    I feel your pain. I broke my right foot and left ankle in the same fall a few years ago.
    Consider a fast circuit (little or no rest between sets) workout using seated upper-body exercises (mutiple sets with high reps), at least to help get your heart rate up. You can even add some push-ups (from knees!). A circuit workout is a bit of a compromise compared to all-out cardio, but it's still effective, and you won't lose the fitness you've gained.
  • I am a watcher of the Biggest Loser and they show some of the contestants who have a harder time boxing doing the shadow boxing sitting down...would be good for arms and a bit of cardio too! You could add in light weights too.
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    I agree with the shadowboxing- its a great way to get your heart rate up to burn off some of those calories without being hard on your arms and legs.

    Also- theres some "yoga at your desk" things that you can do which is meant to help relieve stress and whatnot while staying in your chair- it might not burn as many calories but its still a good way to stretch and relax before or after you do some cardio.
  • There is I think some dvd's on chair exercise, weights, and even yoga one's too
  • zulunery
    zulunery Posts: 22
    You could try some pilates moves like the reverse crunch where you lie on your back, bend your knees and lift the legs. You can also do the leg-hands pass with a ball. Start by putting the ball between your feet while laying on your back, then bring your legs, with the ball, up to above your abdomen and pass the ball to your hands, take the ball to over your head while lowering your legs almost to the floor then repeat the moves passing the ball back and forth. There are a bunch of moves you could do to bring up your heartrate without putting too much pressure on your feet. You could google pilates moves. But, don't over-do it, you don't want to hurt yourself again. Good luch, hang in there.
  • pilates exercises, I know it sounds strange but really gets your heartbeat up and is a very good core workout.
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